It's been awhile since I spoke my truth about the network marketing industry but It's just too good to pass up.
Once again this might offend some people, but it's okay.
The intention is just to be clear once again hold nothing back and just tell it like it is.
Today let's talk about Over-saturation in any biz opportunity. The key and take away here I want you to know --is to not join a company when it's just about to hit over-saturation. Right before a few weeks into when a company is about to over-saturate or right at the time it will over-saturate is the worst time to join. That is when you are at high risk of loosing most if not all of your investment.
It is sad that many honest, hardworking, integrity and good people get in opportunities at the wrong time.
I have done it and it sucks. What people need to understand is trends. Knowing signals and signs when a company is headed for over-saturation period.
You know a company is going to hit over-saturation when you start seeing this BIG signal. It's very simple actually.
People start financing their home, mortgage, or start to request loans from bank just to join the opportunity.
They sell their T.V, Cars, Etc just to get in the opportunity.
When you start seeing people do that in a company.
You know that at the top of that company people are making a killing.
The rest of the people (sheep) that are getting in at that point with financing their way to an opportunity are going to loose a majority if not all their investment.
Warren Buffet once said Rule
"No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."
Why is this a SIGNAL that the company is soon to over saturate?
It is because fools rush in.
What I mean by this is that when people start doing ridiculous things that put their family on the line and are doing high risk activity to join, that means that person has no sense of market timing or trends.
When I see idiots run to an opportunity like their life depended on it. I look the other way. Why? Because if you are in a room of 10 idiots you don't want to be number 11. ;)
As far as those sheep.. When they start to get in in any biz opp by the masses. That means the company is on the verge if not already over-saturated with other (sheep).
That's when you don't want to get in. Make sense? And that's when the people at the top of that company need to look elsewhere for other new opportunities that are ground level.
If they don't find it, they need to blog to plateau and make videos and stuff talking about general personal development topics to keep their followers in the fold entertained and stay relevant to personal development type of content.
Think rich bitch!