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Monday, April 21, 2014

100% Done For You Marketing System

Hey there friends!!

Hope your Easter was very nice and you are ready to make some serious money now on the internet as we look forward to a propserous Summer ahead. Any plans for the summer ?

Also, just wanted to show you some cool stuff here.

On a typical day, This  100% done for you marketing system has given me these results on average.

This is very simple. What they do is allow you to invest some money and they run high end traffic to the offer that is converting and you make money each month without having to recruit or sell. It is a huge CO-OP style that we do and each partner makes money each month from this beautiful system. 

If you want to learn more watch this webinar me and my biz partner did that is floating around the internet. The good stuff starts on minute 22:00 of the video. ;) 

One of the tough things, I've seen is that it is getting increasingly difficult for new peole online to make money and get those instant sales. So what they have done with this company called Real Marketing Masters is simply allowing the marketers to do 100% of the marketing for you.

This will help a lot of struggling markters who are not good at sales yet. Earn as they learn. There is a 3k in 60 days guarantee. 

Which states, if in 60 days you don't make 3k minimum in profit the company owner continues to purchase your high end traffic until you make 3k in profit. 

 They run the high end traffic, close your sales, and you get a profit split on 7th of each month from income generated from the profit sharing pool.  It's a sweet deal, for those ready to make money online and have been struggling to get their first sale. 

I think its great and genius model, that continues to pay me thousands and thousands of dollars daily. Go here to get started with this hands off system that gets you in the money faster - http://www.done4umarketing.me http://www.done4umarketing.me 

Your Friend,

Are You Out of Your Comfort Zone?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Power of Intention ! I made $6,281.10 in 1 Month With this 1 Income stream online!

Power of Intention ! I made $6,281.10 in 1 Month With this 1 Income stream online!

The power of intention ! 

I believe that what you intend to make real becomes real. I have a great story to share with you that happened to me recently. 

I set an intention to make an extra 5K in one of my biz opps for the month of March and I exceeded my original goal by and extra $1,281.10 !!

I closed off the month of March with $6,281.10 in earnings!!!
Real marketing masters is a 100% done for you marketing system. Allow the pros do drive your traffic by commenting below if you are interested by now and see the value, and I'll send you a message with more information. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Duplication Fast !

Multiple income streams online are great! 

Want to give a Shout-out to my teamate Joshua Cheatham for getting 2 signups in only his first day at ILN! He got these results in a short period of time, because he takes action, he shows intiative. This is the people that you want to get around. Leaders that take action and get results in short period of time.

I found out early on that, it is the action takers that succeed in this industry.

Guys, using the new Speed Wealth System in ILN will do very well in this biz opp. Those that don't take action will not do well.

Zig Ziglar Says that if you focus on helping others get what THEY WANT, you will get what you want.
Focus on team's success first and foremost. This happens through once again by what? .. Taking Action !!!!!!

Get your first $20 online message me. bakerthebrand.com@gmail.com 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Does RMM pay out?

The question I been getting asked a lot, is if RMM actually pays out.
I will be honest and very transparent. I don't hide anything, because I want people that I do business with to be 100% honest and full of integrity.
Just as I intend to be with everyone I do business with as well.
So, in March we were dealing with Merchants that were skeptical on our business practice. We had to fight for them to understand our business model, on top of that we were making so much money and peole were coming in left and right, that from a merchants point of view, those are red flags.
RMM was able to with their dilgence, and integrity proove to the merchants the business model that we had had a solid product and was 100% secure and was HELPING people achieve their income goals online in an honest way.
Below are my first two statements from my bank of america account. This is some of the money I've earned so far in RMM.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead!
Know that if you have a dream worth fighting for, that if you stand WITH THE PEOPLE that care about others success, backed with real tangible value that can help people grow whatever business opp they are in. You can achieve your dreams!!
This weekend I urge you to DREAM AGAIN. TO think bigger, to get SUPER CLEAR on what you want to manifest in your life. I can tell you that when done with good faith, honor, and integrity it will be realised. I am still FOR THE PEOPLE.
I care about the people that have never made money online finally getting results and making money because money is simply energy.
Live your dreams this weekend my friend, not your bosses dreams!!

With Gratitude,

P.S allow the marketing pros to do 100% of the marketing for you. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Make Your First $20 Online ! (No Hype)

If you have been struggling to make money online. I can offer you a free 7 day trial that will allow you to make your first $20 online. If you can do something as simple as forward an email addresss, you can make your first $20 online with this speed wealth system.

It is  a system to get you going making money online.

Message me if you are interested in this offer and I will send you the link. bakerthebrand.com@gmail.com.

I'll get you started.
