Hello all.
The financial crisis is real. People are losing their homes, jobs are being lost, and the dollar is headed for a complete collapse. The numbers are true, and so are the hard facts. This is something I am aware of and have predicted since 2004. I know that many people are running on borrowed time, and times are rough. However, I believe that many people are being conditioned to be more fearful than is necessary. They are being misled by the news and the people in power that the disaster is really bad.
The only thing that is really bad, is the majority of people’s energy level as this event in history takes form.
Yes, many people will lose the material things that they once had, but how they react to it is the deciding factor in the future state of consciousness in the world. When you loose everything you have, what is left over? At your core what kind of being resides within you?
I know that the fears of people will only lead to more fear, and eventually a state of surrender, Surrender is a natural law in the universe, that is state of being in which you let go of everything, emotional, material, mind etc. This state of being is the only way that the human consciousness will reach the next level. (More of the topic of surrender on future posts)
I see this coming into fruition as we speak. I am aware that there are only a select few that understand the words I present here. The few that understand this will be called the light workers. You are the light workers who intuitively get this feeling that I've felt for sometime now. The feeling that we will need to go through this financial collapse in order to restore the human consiousness. Your duty is to spread the ideas of hope, love, and unity in times of economic disaster. Your mission is to bring light into this world, by doing what you love and providing value to people by teaching them to do the same. You may face obstacles and people will try hard to veer you towards your mission, but rest assured you are being guided, by light that is all knowing and bigger and more powerful than any crisis imaginable.
There is much opportunity to grow your wealth in these times, both financial and spiritual, if you listen to your inner voice. Your inner voice is constantly sending you messages for ideas that will spark this new age in human consciousness.
Many people are beginning to wake up to this reality. The money will come, but we must first tune into the type of work that brings us joy and excitement. The old industrial ways of hard work won't apply in this new era. When you strengthen your talent and trust in the universe, you will reap rewards, but the rewards will come in many different forms, it can come in large sums or money or it cannot. During these times, the energy positive or negative determines what you will experience.
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