There are different ideas about money. Just like religion or anything else for that matter. Money is such a taboo subject in many circles. Most of you know my name is Baker, mainly because I make a lot of dough. The reason I called myself Baker is because yes, I am doing well financially, and I would like to sustain long term wealth for the future. However what most of you don't know is that money comes to those who are in direct vibration to it. In other words choosing a name like Baker is good for me, because it thus then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are positive associations with the name Baker, and it resonates with my energy.
Money won't come to those that despise, fear or hate it. Money is also called a currency, because it's simply an energy. Money has an energy attached to it. Everything in life has an energy attatched to it.
So if you think poor thoughts over and over, and our thoughts carry a vibration, then the likely hood of you receiving money is slim to none.
Money will come to those who match it's frequency. The ideas you grew up with in terms of what money was, is probably the same way you feel about money today. Money becomes the belief that you attach to it. If you believed as a child, that money comes frequently to you by doing work you love, there is a good chance that you are doing what you love, and making a good amount of money from it today.
Most people were born with the idea that money is hard to make. Most people have heard that "money doesn't grow on trees."
These ideas as you grew up is what you are facing in your daily life today, unless you've done some internal mindset changes about the subject of money.
I want to ask my readers what were some of your ideas about money growing up?
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