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Friday, November 25, 2011

How To Attract Money With Law of Attraction

How to Attract Money with the Law of Attraction
Once you understand how the Law of Attraction works, using it to attract money and other forms of abundance is really easy to do - or it SEEMS like it should be easy.  Just decide what you want, visualize it, say a few affirmations and watch it drop into your lap.
Whoops, it doesn't always work that way, does it?
How do you attract money and abundance anyway? It's very much like putting a puzzle together. All of the pieces are already there, but you need to put them together in a specific way in order to see the big picture.
If the pieces are out of place, or if you try to jam them in sideways, what happens? Nothing.
It works the same way when people try to attract money using the Law of Attraction - if they're not putting all the pieces together in the right way - nothing happens.

Has this been your experience with the Law of Attraction?

  • Have you been able to attract SOME money, but not quite enough?
  • Have you been able to attract substantial amounts but not on a consistent basis? 
If so, read on because I'm going to share some insights into why this happens.
By the way, this happens even to people who are well versed in using the Law of Attraction! It's not just beginners who struggle! No matter how much you KNOW on an intellectual level, you can still get it wrong when you put it into action.
However, you'll be glad to know that even when you seem to be hopelessly blocked, all that's usually required is a few easy tweaks in your approach and the blockages dissolve.

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