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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Don't Quit On YOUR BIG DREAMS!!!!!!!!

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Don't quit on your big dreams. I say this today to you because I know you want more out of life than what you currently have.

Somewhere inside of you, deep down you know that your life is meant to be lived to the fullest.
Yet, you see so many people getting the results they want out of life, and some just don’t seem to get any. Why is this? Why do some people seem to succeed in life and have that life where they are living to the fullest, while others leave lives of quiet despair?

I think it comes to who wants it more.
You see there are winners and wussies online. Winners know something and apply something that wussies don’t.  Let’s go into a typical scenario of what most people think about when it comes to making money online  and being a success online…
So many people think that to be a success online, that it comes easy. I’m here to tell you, the dead honest truth.

It’s Easy But…

The systems you can get involved with are easy. But, the mindset and changing your beliefs is not easy. That is where most people will quit. They stop believing something will work, and they just give in and fold.
They go to another opportunity that they think is “easier” that will get those results, but don’t realize that by quitting on themselves and on their dream, they really just gave up on any type of real success they will ever have in the future.
This post here is about not quitting on yourself, because I feel that many people when they are just ready to have a type of breakthrough in their online business, they quit. The time you are tested the highest is the moment you are just about to have the type of success you were always asking and praying for. It’s easy but, you have to keep plowing along and stay committed to the goals you have set for yourself initially.
You can ask anyone in any field, why they are successful, and the answer is always the same.
They just refused to quit. When the going got tough, they were right there ready to take it on.

“Things will happen in your life that you can’t stop, but that’s no reason to shut out the world. There’s a purpose for the good and for the bad.”
-Crazy Pete

Do you sometimes feel like just giving up, asking yourself what’s the point of this making money online stuff anyway? I can just go back and work a 9-5 job and start to have a safe secure income again, and be bossed around by my boss and get paid so little for the effort I’m putting in.
Well that voice that tells you to just give up, is not the voice that all winners in any industry listen to or feed into. That is the voice that the wussies feed into. Let’s just be honest. Let’s be very real.

What Voice Are You Listening To ? 

 "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."   

Ralph Waldo Emerson 

The voice that the winners in life feed into is that of BELIEF, 100% honesty with themselves and what they want to get out of life. You see so many people apologize for getting what they want out of life. They apologize for asking for what they want most in life. That is why they don’t succeed. They are too apologetic. They don’t get after what they want and take pride in how far they have come along, and take 100% responsibility for where they want to go in life and what they want to BE, DO, and HAVE. Instead of making the right choices that will help them excel in life instead they make excuses.
Life is meant to be expansive, fun, exciting, and inspiring. Life is meant to be this journey of amazing self discovery and enjoyment. But, what happens for most people is that they quit believing in this GOODNESS. They stop believing in their truth. They stop expressing who they truly are. They quit….

Do You have The Guts To Live A Bigger Life? 

Are you the type that just quits when stuff gets hard? Or do you have that winner voice inside of you that is enthusiastic, discipline, motivated, and ready for real change? When you quit on yourself, and your BIG Dream you quit on that winner voice within. You quit on the inspiration that drives real change for yourself and the world.
If you are a winner you never do quit. Your attitude should be… No one will ever see me quit, because I simply won’t. If I start something, I will finish it and do it well. Your attitude should be I want more out of life, I’m tired of the same old stuff and running in circles, I want the best of life and I want to be the change in the world. I want to live my dreams because it’s my right to be rich, and to live a full abundant life. It is my right to have what I want and show and teach peoples the way. It’s my right to be the best me, so I can shine for the world. I don’t shrink so others feel comfortable; I shine so others feel empowered.

That’s the attitude you have to have in life. You see as we move closer and closer to the energy changes that are already happening on our planet, you will see manifestations happen a lot quicker for people in lightning speeds. You will see people ascend when they face their fears, and whatever is holding them back. You will see people living in a reality some call the 5d where they are living a truly amazing and blessed life.
Don’t Join me here if you don’t want the best of life, and are ready for a real change in your financial life, and spiritual life.

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