Making Passive Income Online For Smart People. Changing lives in a positve way from the inside-out. Helping others to financial freedom online !
Friday, May 31, 2013
Unstoppable Entrepreneur" Jonathan Budd On Building Wealth
Unstoppable Entrepreneur" Jonathan Budd On Building Wealth
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
[LIVE HANGOUT] FORMULA: $1,000 Days While Having a Life…
[LIVE HANGOUT] FORMULA: $1,000 Days While Having a Life… We’ve actually figured out how to build a freedom lifestyle without sacrificing actually HAVING A LIFE in the process… You’ll learn about how we’re doing it and why so many people are seeing results tonight on our live hangout… don’t miss it. Looking forward to hanging out with you here tonight at 8PM Eastern:
We’re producing results and our team is growing so fast that even the critics are shocked… Copy cats can’t clone us… even though they keep trying. Why? Critics and haters have had no choice but to accept sounding foolish or going “silent” because they keep saying we won’t last 3 months and here we are, a full 18+ months later and still growing.
Why? What’s the secret? Join us and hear it from the source tonight at 8:00PM Eastern at the link below: See you there, Baker P.S.
You’re REALLY smart so do this: JOIN US first by clicking here… EN JOIN LINK HERE And then take our instant training and immediate invite samples and invite YOUR contacts and facebook network here to our hangout… If you take action and do this, tonight’s hangout can make you some $$$ and that would be awesome! So click my link and join me even at only $25, get your link and take this same message and post it on your facebook… You can be in profit mode by the end of the night… How cool is that?
[LIVE HANGOUT] FORMULA: $1,000 Days While Having a Life…
[LIVE HANGOUT] FORMULA: $1,000 Days While Having a Life…
We’ve actually figured out how to build a freedom lifestyle
without sacrificing actually HAVING A LIFE in the process…
You’ll learn about how we’re doing it and why
so many people are seeing results tonight on
our live hangout… don’t miss it.
Looking forward to hanging out with you here tonight at 8PM Eastern:
We’re producing results and our team is
growing so fast that even the critics are
Copy cats can’t clone us… even though they
keep trying. Why?
Critics and haters have had no choice but
to accept sounding foolish or going “silent”
because they keep saying we won’t last 3 months
and here we are, a full 18+ months later and
still growing.
What’s the secret?
Join us and hear it from the source tonight at
8:00PM Eastern at the link below:
See you there,
P.S. You’re REALLY smart so do this:
JOIN US first by clicking here…
And then take our instant training
and immediate invite samples and invite YOUR contacts
and facebook network here to our hangout…
If you take action and do this, tonight’s hangout
can make you some $$$ and that would be awesome!
So click my link and join me even at only $25,
get your link and take this same message and
post it on your facebook…
You can be in profit mode by the end of the night…
How cool is that?
Getting Clear, and the Power of Chunking
You want to get clear on what you want,-------I> here’s why, and how:
Side note: I’ve been debating doing a regular series with a ‘tip of the day’ (to get clear, probably not every single day – since in addition to doing this, I’m also the CEO). I’ll judge whether or not it’s worth it to do, based on the amount of shares and comments over the next few times I make them.
You can share it and get credit for leads and sales (along with every link on the front blog) by putting ?id=username at the end of the link – you can share it on Facebook by visiting your affiliate link, and hitting the ‘badass button’ above the post.
Aside from the shameless plug to join now by clicking here, comment, and share – leave me your thoughts in the comments, if you want more videos like this one.
-David Wood
“Raggedly Homeless Internet Millionaire”
“Raggedly Homeless Internet Millionaire”
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
[bonus training] "hypnotically force" them to buy.
Sorry, this training really is just too good
to put out there publicly.
So it's available to Empower Network
members only - and to be truthful, they're
the only ones that I can trust to learn these
secret strategies now, and apply them with
the utmost honor, integrity - and absolute
So you're going to have to join now, to see it.
In this video, I break down the science of
hypnotic persuasion through video.
How to do it.
How to get good at it.
How to get what you want through it.
In any business.
The 'secret' formula I'm going to share with
you - hasn't been shared anywhere.
Because I invented it.
And now it's done near $60 million in sales.
And I'll teach you for free - if you simply join
Empower Network here now.
Here's a screen shot from a formula I break down
step by step, in the bonus training:
You can click that picture, and join now, if you choose.
All you have to do after you simply decide to join,
is login here, and click this link (members only folks)
Let me know your thoughts on Facebook after you've
watched it.
-David Wood
"I'll teach you the secrets - if you simply decide to join"
Click Here Now.
How to make more money and create more time freedom in your life with this simple 3 step formula

Monday, May 27, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
What the HECK is Empower Network?
What the HECK is Empower Network?
Empower Network is an internet marketing community that gives it's members the power to create massive results in any business without experiencing the common problems, challenges, and pitfalls most people experience when starting a business.
In addition to the world-class information products, elite internet marketing training, and superior blogging platform; Empower Network's affiliate program pays out 100% of the commissions on all product sales and allows their members the chance to create a life-changing income from the comfort of their own home.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Network Marketing Tips | Turn What You Complain About into What You do Want
Network Marketing Tips | Turn What You Complain About into What You do Want
I didn’t invent this idea but I do use it frequently. As you read this you’ll agree that turning what you complain about into what you do want is positive for your health. Plus it gets your mind thinking about what you do want, which is a better feeling than what you don’t.
Network Marketers don’t want to fail in their business and they don’t want to be rejected or have tiny incomes. These are legitimate complaints if this is happening to you or anyone that you know. What are you supposed to do about it – because, “When it rains it pours!” (In that case it would be in a negative way)
Try this one for a change: “Talk about what you do want!” – Because again, “When it rains it pours,” – (and in this case it would be in a positive way)
Example: Let’s say I’m a Network Marketer who is already successful in my business but I’d like to have a more leveraged income online.
If I say “My income isn’t leveraged enough, or “I don’t make enough money in my business.” How about you say, “I’d like a more leveraged income online,” instead? Or “How can I have a more leveraged income online?”
Type that into Google and “presto” you’ll be attracted here to this blog and all of a sudden you have a way to have a more leveraged income online.
And you do because you buy and get in now.
“Your thoughts are like Google by the way…”
You start noticing what you’re thinking about…(It’s like you’re typing into the search engine of your thoughts and beliefs.)
Ignore that part…I side track sometimes.
Does anybody else smell breakfast cooking in their kitchen or is it just me?
Or what if you’re struggling in your Network Marketing business? Instead of saying “I can’t do this, I’m not having success, or I’m struggling and this sucks…”
Try saying, “How can I be successful in my Network Marketing business?”
Then type that into Google and find this blog and “presto” again…you’ve figured out how to be more successful in your Network Marketing business.
Well what you’ve found here is a solution to your struggles, which is to have a more leveraged income online while improving yourself and sharing what you’re passionate about.
There is great power in a blog because you can write about whatever stirs your loves and passions. And now you have blogging system in front of you that you can do exactly that with.
Get in now, for just $25 and do something that touches the hearts, minds, and lives of hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions of people’s lives. Live your purpose. Get in now and share your purpose with the world.
The message here is simple, turn what you complain about into what you want. Focus your mind in this way and be open for the things that come to help you. Exactly like you act on what is in front of you now and get in!
Get dough with me,
Struggling Network Marketers Need to Know This | Bridge the Gap between Struggle and Success
Struggling Network Marketers Need to Know This | Bridge the Gap between Struggle and Success
Have you tried network marketing? Are you trying it now but aren't getting the results you initially thought you would get?
We all been there.
Want to be an expert in network marketing?
Well.. that takes time, effort, and raw determination.
So before you are the expert however, who is also always learning and improving – I should add, it does suck to get all pumped and motivated, then pay your hard earned money (or money you’ve borrowed or had laying around), start working on your network marketing business, and then take the biggest dump of all time in your very own living room.
We call this particular dump, failure, pain, or struggle.
Contrary to popular opinion, “big dumps” do not smell like roses.
Unless of course you are in the fertilizer business!
“Did you just have an Edison moment?”
Get it? He invented the light bulb…
…The light bulb appears in the little speech bubble thing when you have a “bright idea.”
You’ve called and annoyed family, spent money on flyers, and possibly even felt like a victim to the numbers game. Maybe the people weren’t too interested in who you were authentically. Maybe they said whatever they needed to say (blindly) to get you to an event in the hopes of inspiring you to sign up. This is not good or bad, it’s just an observation. I mean it can all be a bit generic, especially if the peoples stories don’t resonate with your own.
You want to feel like you are understood and like we have been where you are, and I definitely understand that. It is a very great feeling to have and I like to be understood as well.
Recruiting 0 people in your business sucks, having no sales sucks, getting puny profits sucks, not knowing what to do sucks, and overall struggling just flat-out sucks!
We know this!
This is why you don’t like it.
The solution is here for you and this is another reason why you’re reading this.
Unless, of course, you change the way you look at and approach things – things will never change. I promise you that you will make great changes in your life with a simple decision (but you have to be sincere about this decision).
Think about all the good and all of the success you’d have if you weren’t struggling. Then take a close look at the gap between where you are now and where the opposite is.
It probably has a little to do with money, and a lot to do with the person you have to become in order to bridge that gap.
With ease (which is code word for the work you love to do) you can safely travel across the gap (and build a bridge for others to use as you go) with the Empower Network. For this exact reason, the Empower Network is what you need.
Look at the videos, read and listen to the success stories, and see yourself turning your network marketing struggles into the pure potential that is yours to have. Look at how Baker went from 9-5 to Blog and thrive, read David Wood’s story, and – better yet – read most of the leader’s stories and make the simple decision to believe that “If they can do it, so can you.”
The Empower Network bridges the gap, it offers genuine hope, and it has the proof to back it up.
Now is when you get in.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
We appreciate you.
Get started with Empower Network for $25 here. You will thank me later.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Top 3 Reasons that you struggling with Your Network Marketing Business- How To Change That FOREVER.
This post will share with you the top 3 Reasons You May be Struggling with your Network Marketing Business and how to change it.
This post was written by Sir Kevin Morrow.

Photo courtesy – FB Growing Page- Best Motivational Quotes Network Marketing
What are The Top 3 Reasons Why You’re Struggling in Your Network Marketing Business and How to Solve This Problem
“Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.”
- Albert Einstein
Struggling in your Network Marketing Business is about as fun as falling off of a two-story building – and landing onto a cactus – while completely naked – and as somebody accidently catches it on camera, resulting in the incident ending up on YouTube. For some of you it’s probably good publicity, which in itself is a disturbing image for many reasons, but relieving the pain is what our main concern is today.
How Did The Problem Start?
You signed up and embarked on your network marketing journey – possibly with no idea of what the heck you were doing. Motivated by the dream of owning your own business, maybe because of your lack of current income – or your dislike of 9-5’s and linear income, and you jumped into the “opportunity” like a professional swimmer dives into a pool. However, you didn’t know that no matter where you go or what you do – you’re problems will shadow you unless you do one thing first.
What comes first, the problem or the solution?
You aren’t struggling because you suck; you’re struggling because of your mindset. The solution is doing what you have to do to change your mind-set to empower as opposed to defeat yourself. Which is a challenge but it’s more than worth the effort. When we say our purpose is to empower people on this blog, with the Empower Network, we are striving to specifically you and your mindset. We know that mindset determines actions and actions determine results.
“What You Promote” is the SECOND REASON!
“Yes!” There are other people in your network marketing business and some of them are wildly successful while others are simply stinking up the place. Therefore, it’s not the business or the “opportunity” that is the problem. Maybe you’re over talking about the new gizmo or fruity drink, coming off as a money hungry robot, and leaving people with no sense of who you are and what you are about.
“Been there done that, right?”
Personally I go to stores and restaurants because of the people first, quality of the food or products second, and price or what it solves for me third. In most cases they each go hand in hand and most of the time I could care less about the price.
Just as a heads up, let me remind you that we’ve posted specific types of posts on this blog for a reason. If you’re really smart you’ll figure out why, and if you’ve figured out why – you should let us know. The reason why you get in now is because you are relating to us here on this blog at a personal level. You either enjoy the stories or you identify with the message and the purpose. The amazing blogging system is just a mega bonus, like you bought a bottle of water (because you’re thirsty) and magically received a mansion too (because you’re awesome).
You Don’t Know How to Recruit People is the THIRD REASON
Mindset problems lead to promoting problems and promoting problems lead to recruiting problems. What did you want when you joined your network marketing business? What motivated you to take action? And how did your Network Marketing business look like it would help you? All of these questions will help you understand how to recruit more efficiently and with much better results. You do have to take action but you also have to “attract” people “energetically” to your business.
When it comes to THIS Empower Network blog, we are regular people with extraordinary dreams and strong belief for the realities of financial and lifestyle freedom. We choose to inspire and motivate people to break free from financial and limiting bondage of the mind and we love what we do. When you love what you do you do it with all your love!
The Empower Network is a simple and excellent blogging system that has an abundance of tools, and help, for you to use to succeed. The Empower Network provides more than enough support for you to solve your struggling network marketing problems and it also provides you with a simple and powerful way to have a highly leveraged in online.
In fact, a much more leveraged income online than your current network marketing business. Beacuse a typical network marketing company requires you to pick up the phone, do three way calls, host home meetings, and annoy your old friends and family. This network marketing company doesn’t do any of that. It’s all an automated system online.
P.S Some posts on this blog were written for a specific reason to illustrate a certain method and feeling that won’t attract people as easily as this one does. See if you can catch which ones they are and then comment on this post if you think you’ve found which ones they are.
Thank you.
We appreciate you.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
How To Make Big Bucks Publishing Simple Ebooks on Kindle
How To Make Big Bucks Publishing Simple Ebooks on Kindle
Friday, May 17, 2013
Have you made money in your network marketing business?

Have you made money in your network marketing business, but aren't happy with earning anything less than 100% commissions? Are you looking for a positive change that can help supplement your current network marketing business?
Click the video below or leave a comment if this describes you, we will send you a video with more details to help you grow your income and improve your lifestyle with network marketing in a motivational and inspiring way that gets you real results.
Click this video.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Do You Have To Be Smart To Make Money Online?
This is a question I get a lot. Do you have to be super smart to make income on Internet? The answer to this question may suprise you!
You see not everyone has the same type of talent..
I sure wasn't I was an average C student througout school.
I was never really that great with academics.
But when I discovered how to leverage the internet and earn income online, I felt like a straight A student.
So I do answer this question...
Do you have to be SMART to make money online?

You deserve the best!
You see not everyone has the same type of talent..
I sure wasn't I was an average C student througout school.
I was never really that great with academics.
But when I discovered how to leverage the internet and earn income online, I felt like a straight A student.
So I do answer this question...
Do you have to be SMART to make money online?
You deserve the best!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
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