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Friday, May 24, 2013

Network Marketing Tips | Turn What You Complain About into What You do Want

Network Marketing Tips | Turn What You Complain About into What You do Want

I didn’t invent this idea but I do use it frequently. As you read this you’ll agree that turning what you complain about into what you do want is positive for your health. Plus it gets your mind thinking about what you do want, which is a better feeling than what you don’t.
Network Marketers don’t want to fail in their business and they don’t want to be rejected or have tiny incomes. These are legitimate complaints if this is happening to you or anyone that you know. What are you supposed to do about it – because, “When it rains it pours!” (In that case it would be in a negative way)
Try this one for a change:  “Talk about what you do want!” – Because again, “When it rains it pours,” – (and in this case it would be in a positive way)
Example: Let’s say I’m a Network Marketer who is already successful in my business but I’d like to have a more leveraged income online.
If I say “My income isn’t leveraged enough, or “I don’t make enough money in my business.” How about you say, “I’d like a more leveraged income online,” instead? Or “How can I have a more leveraged income online?”
Type that into Google and “presto” you’ll be attracted here to this blog and all of a sudden you have a way to have a more leveraged income online.
And you do because you buy and get in now.
“Your thoughts are like Google by the way…”
You start noticing what you’re thinking about…(It’s like you’re typing into the search engine of your thoughts and beliefs.)

Ignore that part…I side track sometimes.

Does anybody else smell breakfast cooking in their kitchen or is it just me?


Or what if you’re struggling in your Network Marketing business? Instead of saying “I can’t do this, I’m not having success, or I’m struggling and this sucks…”
Try saying, “How can I be successful in my Network Marketing business?”
Then type that into Google and find this blog and “presto” again…you’ve figured out how to be more successful in your Network Marketing business.
Well what you’ve found here is a solution to your struggles, which is to have a more leveraged income online while improving yourself and sharing what you’re passionate about.
There is great power in a blog because you can write about whatever stirs your loves and passions. And now you have blogging system in front of you that you can do exactly that with.
Get in now, for just $25 and do something that touches the hearts, minds, and lives of hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions of people’s lives. Live your purpose. Get in now and share your purpose with the world.
The message here is simple, turn what you complain about into what you want. Focus your mind in this way and be open for the things that come to help you. Exactly like you act on what is in front of you now and get in!
Get dough with me,

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