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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Success Online Results !

I enjoy making money and getting results online. Sure, it took me sometime to get these results. Sure it takes work and time and money investment. But, its way better I can honestly say than a 9-5 JOB. 

Want results like this ? Join the best network marketing system out there for 2016- 2017.
ASPIRE Business System.
A 7 Figure Entrepreneur’s Secrets To Online Profit.

Friday, December 23, 2016

The pay plan that works best.

You may see it time and again online. People promising great riches, with their best pay plan. Yes. Yes. Blah Blah. Its all phony stuff right? 

Or is it? 
You see I"m not here to force you or sell you on anything other than to make you believe in yourself again. Most people go through this long process of trying to make money online, they forget to get in touch with who they are as souls as being on this planet that are  here to do good work in the world. 

Most people are so lost and confused not just with internet marketing and trying to make money online, but confused with who they are inside. 
I want you to get back to who you are, no the you that is less than extraordinary. The you that is special unique gifted and that has a lot of good to offer the world. 

So the next time you see an ad about the next best pay plan. Ask yourself, does it align with who I was created to be by God? What if God's plan for me is so great so higher than these stupid pay plans? 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

3 Tips To Success With Internet Marketing

There are 3 things you want to consider when you start to go forward with your internet marketing business. You want to really start seeing the success by doing these 3 things. First what is success? 
Is it an extra 5k a month to pay bills? Or maybe 10k a month to go on some travel ? Maybe 50k a month to do make a location move of your dreams? 

Whatever your goals are, know one thing. They are your goals. You need to see your goals daily and take action in your internet marketing to start getting more success in the areas that matter most to you. You see when you follow these 3 steps do them as a daily discipline your success may be slow at first, but will improve as time goes on. 

You just have to follow the steps exactly. 

Here are the 3 Tips To Success With Internet Marketing 

1. Get Targeted Leads. The secret is not a secret. You need to get targeted leads looking at your offer.
2. Get an Irresistable Offer. The trick is people have to really want what you offer. It literally has to be irressistable.
3. Get the most out of your customer. Your customer will belong to you if you do this one thing. You collect their email. Yes. If you have their email and you are proving real, trusted, and up to date value that is useful for them you will start to see results with your customer. Because its about them not you.

Hope those three tips to success with Internet Marketing helps you.

Continue on with your big dream, and go for your big dream. Have the success you want, be the person you truly want to be. Be fuffiled daily be grateful daily for everything in your life.

The 1 Secret To Lead Generation Online

In today's episode of Walking With Baker.

I've helped people make money online. This specific topic is all about The 1 Secret To Lead Generation Online. Discover more about this one tip that will help you get more leads. This is all about getting lead generation.

Discover more in this Walking With Baker Online.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Success Online Requires This One Thing

There are many things you can do online to get success.

But, the long-term way and the most integrity based way is by making money online
selling products or services that you use and work for you.
Also it helps when you are passionate about what you are selling or promoting.

It helps out a lot when you have success already. But, the reality is that you have
more time to be successful if you actually have success with the product or service that you
sell or promote.

One of the systems that I use that I already have results with is this one below.


Here are some of my results from emails I enjoy getting getting from this DONE 4 U System.

Interested in doing the same ?

Click Here below to get started for JUST $1 !

Message me if you have any questions or concerns.

Incramental Progress

Incramental Progress

Because it means you are getting progress and that is results to getting sales in your business. 

That is why I always tell people it doesn't matter where you are at a newbie or advanced. Results come in all shapes and sizes. You can start today knowing nothing about internet marketing and get results. These results no matter how small, can prove to be the small incremental steps to building a million dollar business for yourself later down the road.

As an old Chinese Proverb once stated.
“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”

Friday, December 9, 2016

Baker's Success Thought : The One Thing That Brings Success for Entrepreneurs

There is one word that will help you build your internet business. No its not get rich quick. No its not some type of magic bullet.

It is one thing that is all about mindset. But it is a word that begins with the letter P.

This one thing that starts with the letter P in building your businesss online will help you a lot when you want to start to have success with your internet business the right way.

Here I share in this video. I share the Letter P word that helps you get to your success with online marketing business. Discover more on how to bring success to your business by using this one word that begins with the letter P.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Game Plan

A lot of people I work with that have been successful from my teachings have one thing in common.
They all set their priorities correctly. Meaning they put the first things first that are most important for their business to grow and take action on those at start of each day.

Most people use tons of excuses why they can't get ahead in their business. Those that do have most excuses tend to not have their priorties in order.

Message me for the game plan that will help you get your priorities in order. What do you need to focus on first for getting results?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Leads and Traffic Online Business

Leads and traffic you heard is the bloodline of any business on the internet. If  you need leads for your business opportunity…After many years.. I figured one thing .

 I am 100% certain you have tried any one or a mixture of the following.

1.     Buying solo ads.
2.     Buying FB traffic.
3.     Buying courses on social media that teach you how to get leads.
4.     Tried youtube traffic.
5.     Tried SEO Blogging

These are ways you can get leads. But how well are those leads you have purchase working for you? Have they bought from you? And have they bought from you consistently ?

If not I have the solution to your traffic problems.

See when you buy my $1 offer I will get you the link
to a traffic source, where you literally buy the leads to purchase from you.

That is right. You will buy buyers.
Yes. $1 buyers for you once you join me at the $1 offer trial.

NO gimmicks, no catch. Just 100% transparency real buyers once you join me.

Message me back for the link to start.

Warm Regards,
Baker Jacinto


Thursday, December 1, 2016

When it comes to making money online : Consistency is key

There are many things you can do to make money online. However, the main thing is you want to be consistent in these areas below.

1. Lead generation.
2. Offering valuable content.
3. Consistent message.

With these 3 things you'll start to see much success in your internet marketing business, when it comes to making money online.

If you need help with any of these click the link below to start on the right vehicle that you can start being consistent with your marketing with and getting consistent results with.

3 Tips For Greater Success Mindset in Your Online Business

There are 3 tips I want to share with you for mindset in your online business. The reason these 3 are so key is because when you start out online, what you really need is not the best tools. Sure having the best tools to equip you with success is really important.

But, more important good friend. Is the idea that you have the right mindset in place.
You see, the mindset to achieve your goal. From where you are and where you want to be is what will take you to the next level.

In other words, most people will have the right tools in place, but still not get results because it comes down to their mindset.

Here my good friend are the 3 right mindsets for success with your online business.

1. Belief. Yes, you really do have to 10000% believe that what you are doing is going to work out for you. You can't really bet on the idea that if you try something and it doesnt work that you have failed. You have to really believe that it will all work out for you in the end its what you believe that will get you to where you want to go.

2. Hang around others with stronger belief and that have results. If you are physically around networking with people with stronger beliefs in your niche, they usually have the results that you are after. The reason you want to network and get around people like this is because your belief will also go up, and you will also learn so much more from people that have results you want, rather than negative people that don't have results you want.
Get around people with the people that have results you want.

3. Keep At It. Most people quit when they are very close to getting results. Because our brains are hardwired for staying comfortable. Reaching a new level of results is very uncomfortable. So the brain will retract and really want to quit just before they hit success. Keep at and stay focused. In order to cross the river you need to be so strong in your focus nothing else matters.

For the right formula to increase your daily earnings to $1,000 plus. Consider visiting our offer below.  Great value for your buck. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Your Competition Is....

Your Competition Is….

You are your own competition. However, most people love to compete with me. For some reason, people have told me that I’m the bar of excellence that they want to aspire to or even pass.

Why ?

Because I keep getting results. See, if I just stopped getting results then nobody would really see me as their competition. That’s’ why people that are 7-8 figure earners go on my list to see what I’m up to. What I’m promoting. So they can compete with me.

It’s funny, but that’s how it works.
So what I do is just keep getting results. I stay in my lane. That way I only compete with the real competitition which is me YESTERDAY.

There are tools and system to help you get to the next level for you in your internet business. 

Your competiton is not the next guy up. Its you.

Stop trying to use me as a baramoter!!

You are only in competition with your past results. You want to improve it by stepping up daily.

Still need the right tools and systems to making money on the internet? 

Smash the competition today! 

Take the step here to get started. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Lets make this a Happy Holidays !!!!! Let's make money online together !!!

Well this is a happy holdiay message to you.

The Holidays are quickly approching. I know sometimes you wonder why is it that you cant seem to get ahead with
making money online, even when its the Holiday season ?

Well, it is because most people are spending right now on consumer items instead of
getting to work on their business.

So that's why I want to offer you this here.

Yes keep calm and always win. Words o inspiration for you to keep going for your big dreams, regardless of what people think or say. You have to keep going!!! You see this is important, that you go for your big dreams. 
Even more importantly is that you have the right done 4 U system that will help you achieve massive commissions online that is legit safe and secure.

This is so that your Holidays THIS year can be more prosperous and even more Merry !!!!! 
So don't worry if your Holidays sucked, just Head here below. 

Here are some great results we are seeing in our team. 

Go here now to get started making money online the right way. No hype. No B.S just straight forward results. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Making money online is easy ! But, ONLY when you know these 2 things.

Making money online is easy when you know these 2 things. I've been making money onlne for about 4 years now, so I speak from experience and lots of trial and error.
The way to make money on the internet consists of 2 things.

1. Email List.
2. A way to get targeted leads to your email list.

That is it. When you have these two things, its just a matter of followup. Sounds good so far right?
However, the only issue is that most people don't know how to get targeted leads. The best way I discovered is through a custom made sales funnel.

See, most people will go around spending money on paid traffic. But, the reality is that paid traffic is not the problem. It's the sales funnel that needs work that is the problem. What if on top of that you had a sales funnel with an A/B split test included?

How valuable would that be to you, when you can have that control with your converting sales funnel ?
Message me for details and get you covered with a custom converting sales funnel that works so you don't have to.
P.S Ask me about the bonus ebook that only the top gurus know about that don't want to tell you, because then you become their compettion, and they wouldn't want that. Ebook will be included as a SPECIAL BONUS if you start today.

Best Traffic Source ?

There are many traffic sources you can choose from....

However, what is the best traffic source?

Well, there is no definite answer. The real answer is how many sources have you tried?

There is Faeebook ads, Twitter ads, Instagram ads, and there is media buys etc.

Which ones have you tried? Which ones got you some result?

That is what internet marketing is all about... It is which ones have you tried, which one works and sticking to the ones that work. It is constant testing and tweaking to get your end result.

If you need help with advetising  your businesss, simply click here below for a system that I recomend.

They do the following :
1. Close sales for you.
2. Provide you with best traffic methods.
3. Best training on social media and email marketing.
4. Get your business in profit in 60 days
5. Make you a marketing supestar getting results for your business online

Do you want to see what's on the inside?

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

For Internet Marketing Success You May Want To Try This

You might want to try this

There is something I call being grateful for what you already have or have experienced.

When you try this for 21 days it becomes a habit. I tried this for 21 days straight and I saw some great results with it.

It’s called keeping a gratitude journal.

Write out 3 things you are grateful for each day in a journal.
 When you do this then all you have to do is feel very grateful for what you have written down.

Go ahead and try this out and see if it does not help you improve some results in your internet marketing business. 

Need the right vehicle to your success with internet marketing? 

Your 4 Steps For Success Online Marketing

There are a few steps to success you need to know when it comes to making an income online. These steps are very simple. What you need to do is very simple.  If you know what these steps are, these 4 steps will get you a lot closer to having true online success and you can do more of what you like with your life and less of what you don't like to do. 

Most people want to spend more time with their kids. Some want to take more vacation trips. Some just want some extra money to pay off their bills. 

Whatever it is for you, know that having results online and making money are things that are possible for you if you really put your mind to it and do the following 4 steps. 

1. Find a system that does the heavy lifting for you. 
2. Find the right mentor. 
3. Find a way to get quality leads. 
4. Find excellent sales closers that make you money. 

If you are seriously considering making money online. The key here is to know that these steps are possible to learn on your own, but you do need help as well to speed up the process of having success with online marketing. MOST people miss the first step and thats why they don't get results. Click here below to start with the first step. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

2 Tips For Better Network Marketing

There are 2 tips that will help you become better at network marketing.
What are these 2 tips?

These 2 tips are very simple. If you follow them you will have results but you must do it daily for best results for your network marketing business.

1. Have fun.
Yes you have to have fun with this. It is hard enough to make it through, so hopefully you are having fun with this. Don't take it too seriously. Enjoy the entire journey. Enjoy the rejections enjoy the application enjoy everything.
Have fun with this. It may be better than your 9-5 JOB.

2. Track your success.

Yes every sale you make track it and also have the practical steps to celebrate small wins. This is important to track each small success each small result you make so you use that as momentum to continue to get bigger results. This is important to celebrate your small wins.

Still need a network marketing business that works?

Go here


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Never Do This !

Never again will I join network marketing.

That's what I said at age 18 when presented with another MLM opportunity ..

Then I saw some people get invovled in MLM type companies. Then I said, wait they aren't smarter than me...Why are they getting results?

Then I saw this thing.

Then I said. But, I don't like having to sell people on anything. Let alone MLM or Network marketing. Then I realized that it was such a positive experience to actuallly learn because even if you get rejected 100s of times. If you stick with it you actually become better. 

More on the rest of the story in my next blog post.... 

For now Take a look at this  presentation below. 

And let me know what you think. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Network Marketing Jim Rohn

Network Marketing Jim Rohn

2 Tips To Internet Marketing Results

There are 2 tips that I would like to share with you to start getting internet marketing results.

What are these 2 tips?

1. Have a quality traffic.
2. Have a way to convert that quality traffic into sales.

If you have these 2 things you will start to see results with you internet marketing.

When you start to focus on these 2 things you are focusing on the right things to make a lot of money online.

Focus on these 2 tips and you will see more money come to you.

Still need help with any of these 2 ?
Take a look here to start on the way to having results with your internet marketing.