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Friday, December 23, 2016

The pay plan that works best.

You may see it time and again online. People promising great riches, with their best pay plan. Yes. Yes. Blah Blah. Its all phony stuff right? 

Or is it? 
You see I"m not here to force you or sell you on anything other than to make you believe in yourself again. Most people go through this long process of trying to make money online, they forget to get in touch with who they are as souls as being on this planet that are  here to do good work in the world. 

Most people are so lost and confused not just with internet marketing and trying to make money online, but confused with who they are inside. 
I want you to get back to who you are, no the you that is less than extraordinary. The you that is special unique gifted and that has a lot of good to offer the world. 

So the next time you see an ad about the next best pay plan. Ask yourself, does it align with who I was created to be by God? What if God's plan for me is so great so higher than these stupid pay plans? 

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