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Thursday, March 2, 2017

The 5 Different Types of Marketers Online

I just had a delicious dinner. I went with the healthy crispy fish, and fries that are finely sliced from fresh potatoes.
Oh and Belgium chocolate cake for dessert. It was delicious. You can see it here below.
Which got me thinking about something that I’ve been pretty good at these past 4 years which is online marketing.
As some of you know by now, I’ve been a top producer in different online marketing opportunites and it’s wonderful journey. I feel so great I get to finally travel a bit more now and it’s because I have systems in place just like this one that make me money.
And along my 4 year journey marketing online I’ve noticed that just like there are different types of foods that you can buy, there are also different types of online marketers, that attempt to make money online. I’ve found there to be 5 distinctive types of marketers that come online with the intention to make money online.
Disclaimer : The following post is the no fluff content that I’ll share with you that is just from my own personal experience. Readers discretion is advised.
Here are the 5 Different Type of Marketers Online
  1. The Angry Marketer. An angry marketer is someone that uses their competition and points out all the flaws of their competition and redirects people back to their business opportunity. These marketers are very skilled at critiquing other companies weaknesses will write blog articles bashing one business opportunity, with the intent to bring the reader back to their business opportunity at the very end of their article. (I don’t condone this unethical business practice).
2. The Overly Hyped Network Marketer. These are the people that will go into a new MLM/Network marketing business hype it up, build a team and then move to a new MLM. These people tend to be good on the phone, and can sell ice to eskimos. They can also sell you into their new MLM for $50 a month. They are emotional driven marketers. They use a lot of Exclamation points at the end of their sentences. (!) When they stick with it, they can build a great residual income with a great big sized team. Granted that team is loyal and sticks around for more than 6 months.

3. The old-school Affiliate Marketer. These are the people that are very logical and super good at tracking, conversions, and knowing their opt in % rates. These people love paid marketing and are very skilled. They are very methodical and are constantly counting stuff. You might have a convo with them and they are looking at their fingers calculating some stuff in their head. Generally they have a huge list and are adding leads to their list like gangbusters daily. Their favorite method of marketing is paid advertising.

4. The Marketer that Was Really An Artist. There are some people that are really artist, writers, drawers, etc. That delve into marketing for a little bit because they know if they just got good at marketing they would have more freedom to do their artwork and live free. The truth is most artist are shitty marketers. Marketing is just all about grabbing people’s attention, building trust, and getting them to take an action. Most artist are generally very shy and aren’t really trying to stand out. Marketing is about standing out, and being okay with criticism and still asking for what you want.

5. The Tech Guy. These guys are usually very good at designing web sites and speak in programming language that makes absolutely no sense to the average person. They tend to be over analyzers but unlike the old boring affiliate marketer, that takes action after testing and tweaking. 

These people tend to suffer from analysis paralysis. They will look to logically deeply into something, and create problems that don’t exist and end up frustrated and not taking any action to get the sale. Tech guys are your programmers and that get an erection when you start speaking to them in code. They try to do marketing because they figure they can sit around the computer all day at home just like they do when their building websites and make more money. But honestly, they really stink at asking for what the sale. They are too busy coding shit that us normal humans don’t understand worth a dime.
I continue to succeed online with making a good income because I am a little bit of all these different types of marketers.
Now, that you have read about the 5 different types of marketers online. From all these 5 different types of marketers which one is most likely to succeed?
Well, it really depends. But, I can tell you from my experience those that don’t succeed are usually the Artist and the Tech Guy. The artist has a very hard time accepting the fact that marketing is about gaining attention and getting the sale.
The Tech Guy also will struggle in marketing. Because his brain doesn’t think like a marketer. A marketer is more of the type that says, “Ready, Fire, Aim.” The tech guy will almost always constantly try to measure his aim and never pull the trigger. He will constantly be looking at problems to fix, that don’t exist and not really make any money.
These were your A students in high school that are very meticulous, smart, and are very low risk takers.
Marketing is about constantly taking risk and adjusting according to the marketplace demands, and not over-analyzing !
So, which one will be most successful out of these 5?
Generally the person that succeeds most I’ve found to be a comb of the MLM person and the boring affiliate marketer. Oh and also the angry marketer. However, as mentioned earlier I don’t support or condone the angry marketers unethical, lack of integrity business practices.
But, Why would I choose the MLM person and the boring old school list building affiliate marketer ?
It’s simple.
Because they both know as cute and nice as being a marketer sounds on paper. They understand that this whole industry of making money online comes down to one thing.
If you aren’t making sales are you really in business?
See, the artist wants things to look pretty, usually only works when they are inspired by their emotions to do so. They are very unpredictable. Some call flaky even.
While the tech person wants everything to be right, the network marketer and affiliate marketer want to make money. They know this industry its about producing sales.
Which one are you ?
Discover more on how to make money with higher conversions with me here : >>>CLICK HERE<<<
I’ve help a good handful of serious marketers get there very first financial breakthroughs online. With what you’ll discover more of by clicking here.
At the end of the day it matters not which of the 5 types of marketers you are. You can also be a mixture of the different 5 types. The reason I continue to make a good income online is of this secret key that I know. This one secret key you will absolutely love.
Get started with me with a system that gives you your own personal coach and has a sales team call your leads already in place for only $1 to start. Yes. No type. It’s ONLY $1 to start. Actually for FREE Discover how by >>Clicking Here<<
The key is that the industry of making money online, home based business comes down to three things.
  1. Adding value to the marketplace.
  2. Being Seen as the Expert.
  3. Getting The Sale.
These were overall very generalize measurements of some typical marketers I’ve seen. What did you think of this list?
Which would you like to add to the list?
Do you see yourself as leaning towards being one of the five mention on this list ?
Would love to hear your feedback.
Till Next time,
Yours in Mastery,
P.S Discover the secrets how to make money with higher conversions for your primary business opportunity and make more sales on DEMAND, and live the freedom lifestyle >>>>CLICK HERE

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