Making Passive Income Online For Smart People. Changing lives in a positve way from the inside-out. Helping others to financial freedom online !
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Set Money Goals for 2010
Many people forget to set money goals for the new year. This is where it all ends. Set something up right now, where you feel you will realistically be in in 2010 financially. Put the goals down written on paper and make it something you can really achieve. Make your money goals and write out what you intend to do to reach these goals. Stay focused. Remember accumulation of wealth is a mindset and requires time and focused effort on your part.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Will smith inspiring motivational money making speech uk
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Guest Post Vision Victory Manifesto on U.S Dollar Collpase: 12/13/09
A Great Post BY: VisionVictory Manifesto
The Illusion of Option Number 2
Every single fiat currency that has ever existed prior to the ones we have with us today, has eventually been destroyed by its government. Let me say that again. Over 3,800 fiat currencies have failed with the exception of the ones we have with us today. So, what’s different about the ones we have with us today? Nothing.
The only difference between a fiat currency that has value today and one that no longer exists, is time. Currently, the world is supported by a 38 year old fiat Dollar system. Prior to the entitlement boom, the U.S. Dollar was as good as gold..literally. Prior to 1933 Americans had a currency that was redeemable in gold and silver. Sound money kept control of our government through limited supply and demand. Unfortunately, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson created the creature from Jekyl Island known as the Federal Reserve in 1913.
With the free market no longer influencing interest rates and credit worthiness, the U.S. economy entered its first Federal Reserve boom bust cycle with the roaring 20’s followed by the Great Depression, then by war, more war, recessions (new word for depressions), and of course the Great Society. With the transition from Republic to Empire complete, Republican President Nixon did what any good emperor would do, devalue the currency and keep the party going.
You see all leaders with sound money face the same two choices:
1. They can live within their means; tell their constituents the truth about war, government services, and the free lunches that aren’t really free. If society wants war, services, and free lunch for all they will need to be taxed. I’ll let you guess how many Kings, Emperors, and Presidents have chosen option number 1.
2. Screw sound money. We’ll borrow instead of tax. Print instead of making payments. No one will even notice since we (the government) can tame inflation. You see at first no one notices. No one even cares. The tax revenue and deficits are still not that far a part. Of course as government gets bigger and more free lunches are passed out, the debt rises so much that just the interest becomes, oh say 202 billion for 2009
With the unlimited man made fiat dollar the sky is the limit, I mean it took Republican President Ronald Reagan one term to grow the national debt larger than all the previous Presidents combined. Did Ronald Reagan create all the unaffordable entitlements? No, and neither did Obama or Bush for that matter. But guess what they all do have in common, they all chose option number 2.
One of the biggest frauds in the world today is that the United States dollar is a safe haven. The U.S. dollar became a safe haven when it still had ties to gold and silver. Shortly after WWII the gold dollar was crowned with world reserve status. This meant nations and central banks agreed to do transactions in U.S. dollars. Because of this, demand for U.S. dollars Nations and Central Banks have saved and looked to the dollar as a store of value.
The fiat dollar didn’t come until 1971. President Nixon feeling the pressure of war and exploding entitlements closed the gold window. The dollar was now a free floating fiat currency. And by the way, with world reserve status, it was still in high demand. With the dollar now backed by a printing press and still in high demand, U.S. consumers were given the ultimate global credit card.
For the last 3 decades the world has produced, saved, and built their nations, while the U.S has been busy maxing out their global credit card by borrowing, spending, and living the good life. No need to save when the world needs dollars to buy oil, we have lenders lined up at our interest only door steps. Who needs capital to expand an economy when you have China, Japan, and the whole world begging for freshly printed U.S. currency?
How long will this party last?
In my opinion the party is already over, we’re just too drunk on debt to notice. Americans have been in an illusion of wealth for so long, they actually believe that 2005 was a normal year. Most believe a recovery is likely and will bring back good times. Meanwhile the world is buying less and less U.S. currency, a trend that has accelerated to the downside for the last 9 years.
The U.S. currency has seen dramatic declines priced against gold, oil, Euros, and food. U.S. stocks as well priced in oil, gold, food, Euros, Aussie dollars, Canadian dollars, Swiss francs, and almost any other item of value has seen a decline. I know, stocks are up, but my point is that they are only up in Dollars. It’s a trick and all part of the illusion; in fact, you can call it the final act. As I write this, congress is about to raise the debt ceiling again, but this time its going to be raised to a record 1.9 trillion.
Previous to 2009 the record for an annual deficit was less than half a trillion. 2009 blew the roof off with a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit, payments of course have been kept down with an artificially low rate of 2% and of course paying our lenders back in a devalued currency has also helped the trickery. The breaking point in my opinion is here, now, today, and it is only a matter of time. Remember how I said the trend for buying dollars is down? Well guess what, the demand for borrowing is up, up by more than you can imagine.
It took 205 years for the national debt to hit 1 trillion dollars, less than 10 to hit its second trillion, and in 2009 less than 9 months to add 1 trillion to the deficit. According to the Congressional Budget office for fiscal year 2010, we should hit a trillion just 7 months in. So let’s look at the macro data, more war, more interest, more entitlements, entitlement spending, and less revenue from baby boomers and foreign lenders. Hmm, I wonder if they will continue the weak dollar policy.
People who still hold their wealth in U.S. dollars blow me away. I can’t tell you the day or time, but I can tell you that ALL nations who have chosen option number 2, ALL empires, ALL fiat currencies eventually come to an end. When that day comes, its not going to be pretty. The drug of stimulus, artificial interest rates, and printing prosperity will turn into a hyperinflationary nightmare. Those on the fence will be washed away by a foreign tsunami flooding the nation with dollars. They will be buying our gold, silver, valuable real estate, commodities, and other assets. Foreigners will turn in their dollar causing prices for everyday Americans to become unreachable.
Like ALL other fiat currencies, the dream will end in a terror. Nation after Nation has repeated history, the history that you can not print your way to prosperity. You can not devalue your currency to pay debts and you can not sustain an endless military occupation of the world. In closing, the dollar crisis is here, and there is no turning back.
Post Script:
My advice; my non-licensed armchair economist advice: Get out of the dollar.
You are up against the tide of inevitability. Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans that support the illusion, the entitlement system, the free lunch system is killing this country. We have to own up to our promises, devaluing a nation’s currency and taxing the people through inflation is thievery. It’s not too late to change course, however, in my opinion it is too late to avoid the economic iceberg.
Americans who want to prepare for a complete currency collapse (loss of world reserve status) or who just want to stop losing wealth in the illusion of nominal gains, need to exchange U.S. dollars for gold, silver, foreign businesses, and goods that can be used during a time of economic instability. I am not a paid advertiser or promoter, but I have used these companies to protect myself, I know the people who run these companies and have even become friends with a few of them.
I buy my gold and silver from: locals,,, and
I purchase foreign businesses (funds) through
I purchase rice, flour, sugar, honey, canned goods, and other bulk items from Costco.
Am I a doom and gloomer? No, in fact just the opposite. I purchase investments that I believe will increase my wealth, I purchase goods that I believe will cost more (a lot more) in the future. I just had my first child and continue sharing information with people on youtube( I’m a realist who is starring a crisis and an opportunity in the face. I’m greedy and I’m generous, my greed drives me to know the facts, my generosity drives me to take 10-15 hours out of my week to share info on youtube and my website. Does youtube pay me, yes, only when people click on the ads. But guess what? not that many do.
My point is, in the end, I really hope people take the information I provide and share it like I do. I also hope the people who come to the same conclusion take action. Every piece of information we give or share with each other is a crack in the illusionary glass. I can’t tell you how many times people question getting out of the dollar when all the evidence points that the dollar is their biggest risk. People are running around worried about gold and foreign stock confiscation. Guess what people, they are already confiscating your wealth through U.S. dollar inflation.
Education and News:
Wealth protection sites: (401K, IRA, mutual funds, Bonds, Bear funds, and Gold Mining) (gold and silver) (gold and silver) (offshore Gold and silver)
I currently use and trust the sites just listed. These sites are do not exclude smaller investors and are VisionVicory friendly. I am personal friends with the owner of CSL and have spoken to the VP at APMEX several times over the phone. APMEX has told me that they destroy all personal information after the sale is complete. Gold money is a publically traded company in Canada and has been endorsed some of the biggest gold experts in the country. Happy investing and protecting
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Your Blog Is Money How to Make Money Online, Internet Marketing and More!
Guest Post via
Make Money Online in 2010
As the holiday season approaches many of us look back on our efforts during the current year. Did you make money online this year?
If so, did you make the type of income that substantially improved your quality of life?
I don’t wan’t to gloat but i’ve had an outstanding year in regard to residual income generation and internet marketing success. This website didn’t exist last year and this year it has become one of the most prominent MMO websites on the internet. If you search for the main keywords like residual income, how to make money, internet marketing and many others, you will find this website somewhere…
What that means is that my job as a search engine optimization specialist has been successful, I have been indexed by all the major search engines and my content is considered favorable to Google. What this means is that the search engines don’t consider my articles to be “spam.”
In 2010 I plan on creating several new articles that will walk you through the process of identifying a niche and completing the most important steps in targeting that niche with a website, creating a solid revenue model and becoming a force that your competition will have to recognize.
I’ve been successful at making money online using several different methods, this website is more a documentation of my journey rather than my bread and butter. My most profitable websites and niches will not be discussed here or anywhere else for fear that you may use all the knowledge presented on this website to cut into my earnings.
Fortunately, there are so many profitable niches on the web that it will not be hard for you to find one, spend time and effort and begin to capitalize on the industry of your choice. I find that it’s always wise to diversify your niches a bit in case one of your target industries goes belly-up… Finding niches that relieve a pain or improve someone’s wellbeing are almost always a sure fire way to generate income on the internet so I think its a wise strategy to focus your attention in those areas when beginning on your journey to create and generate residual income.
An internet marketer must be good at effectively measuring demand and competition for any given niche and they must also have the ability to create content or outsource content generation so they can build a virtual storefront or landing page that will draw in potential customers interested in the products or services that you will promote.
In addition to selling a product, its also possible to make money as an affiliate marketer, advertiser and lead generator. I will go into more detail regarding these topics in future articles. For now, please go ahead and review some of the other articles from 2009 on this website and put some of the information in the articles to use.
I wish all of my visitors, friends and family the best of luck in 2010 and we can continue to make more money online in the new year!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Steve Pavlina-How To Make Money From Your Blog
Below is the link to Steve Pavlina's blog on How To Make Money from Your Blog":
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
8 easy steps to becoming wealthy

Hello all. I will show you how to be wealthy in 8 easy steps.
1. Take money advice from wealthy people
2. Read books, attend wealth seminars
3. Do what you love
4. Fail early and fail often
5. Collaborate with like minded people
6. Visualize Wealth and Abundance
7. Express Gratitude and appreciate when your wealth is here.
8. Share wealth with others and teach others how to be wealthy
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A list of Money and Abundnance Affirmations

Hello all. Check out some of these great money and abundance affirmations. Remember its not the words we say that comes into being, it is the vibration or energy we put behind what we repeatably say.
You can use some of these affirmations on a daily basis, and tweak the ones that resonate with you more. We become what we think. What we focus on expands.
Affirmations of Abundant Supply:
* I am now open to receive.
* Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.
* I now have surplus, all my needs are being met.
* I have unlimited abundance.
* I now give and receive freely.
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now live in a rich and loving universe.
* Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am always supplied with whatever I need.
* I move forward with an expectancy of my greatest good.
* I look for and receive a bountiful supply.
* My greatest good is coming to me NOW.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Focus on Creating Value

When your focus is on creative value to others, you will be in a better place to accumulate wealth. Ask yourself, will I find this valuable? Or is this something of value that others feel a need for? As you start any project or business from the intent of creative value for others, than you can move along in a more focused direction. Remember that the amount of wealth you accumulate is in direct proportion to the service and value your provide others.
Focus on creating value.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Jim Rohn on Making Money
Saturday, December 5, 2009
How To Make Money From Your Blog
Friday, December 4, 2009
Earl Nightingale- Our Circumstances reflects our true beliefs.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
4 Basic Steps to Wealth By Gary Simpson (Guest Post)
4 Basic Steps to Wealth
by Gary Simpson
There are four basic steps to acquiring wealth. In fact, these steps apply to virtually anything in life. They are:
* 1 - Passion
* 2 - Decision
* 3 - Plan
* 4 - Discipline
First, you have to have the passion to do something. Without passion to do something you will be like a rudderless ship. You will just float around going wherever the currents take you. You will always be at the mercy of those who do have a passion for something. This equates to a life of hopelessness.
Next you have to make a decision. You can have all the passion in the world but until you decide to do something all that passion is just latent. It will never be realized. Do you really want to do something? Do you really want to become wealthy?
Third, you need to make a plan. Without a plan you will move from one idea to the next and never really get anywhere. So many people do this. That is why so many "get-rich-quick" schemes abound. Having a plan is like having a step-by-step guide to get you to where you want to go.
Finally, you have to have discipline. Just like dripping water will eventually wear away the stone it is the constant application of your plan and working away at it that will see you succeed. Remember that Rome was not built in a day. Nor were the pyramids. And neither will be your plan. But chipping away at it as often as possible - preferably EVERY day - will allow you to see results. This, in turn, will encourage you to keep going.
With respect to wealth, almost every successful and wealthy person says the same thing - find something that you love to do and then find a way to make money out of it. When you do this you will never "work" another day in your life.
About the author:
Gary Simpson has written nine books on various subjects including "How to Save $1000's and Increase Your Net Wealth." If you are looking for a better financial future then go to Turn Debt Into Wealth.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Video By Robert Kiyoasak in 2008 about Investing In Gold and Silver
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Jim Rohn Really Good Quotes on Money and Wealth
Listen to some of Jim Rohn's Quotes, thought provoking insights on the topic of money and wealth.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Gold Ron Paul tells the Truth about money
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Rob Hopkins: Transition to a world without oil
Check out this insightful video:
Please click on link below:
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wealth is directly a result of the Value You Provide Others
Hello all.
Wealth is a direct result of the value you provide others. If you don't provide much value to others, the chances of attaining wealth is very slim. This is because those that choose to gain wealth on a material level, are those that care about people. They care so much about people, that the value that they give to others is of high quality, it means something, it's significant. If you just woke up this morning and thought to yourself how can you become wealthy? The real question you ask yourself at that point is, "What value can I offer to others?" You see when are focused on wealth only, you are missing the point of getting wealthy. The focus should be on what kind of value are you going to give to people today? When you focus on what kind of value you are delivering, you are starting from the right place. Because in order to be wealthy you need to provide a value that benefits people.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
How To Buy Silver Coins

Below is a short Ehow article I wrote about how to buy silver coins. Remember before any investment decision please do your own research. I don't claim to be an expert in silver coins or investing in silver coins, so do your due diligence. Below is the link to the article on how to buy silver coins.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money, Part 1/7: Conventional Education Vs. Financial Literacy
The Gregory Mantell Show --Alvin Toffler Revolutionary Wealth
Make sure to Check out the Books.
I really recomend reading books on finance and business, before investing any of your time and money on one particular investment. I have a few books (scroll down) that I've read and highly recomend to you. These are books that either gave me better clarity on the subject or wealth, or practically guided me in the path towards wealth and financial freedom.
U.S Dollar Collapse
I want to share a video with you all. This informative and thought-provoking video discusses what is happening right now in the U.S economy. This piece will give a basic history about the the U.S dollar, and why the U.S dollar is loosing value very quickly. This piece will encourage people to start trading in their dollars to buy silver and gold now.
Thank you.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Not Another "How to Make Money" Site!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Printable Blank Check

Hello all
Below I've included the link to the blank check from the universe. You can print this out for yourself, share it with others or whatever you like. Put in the amount of money you intend to have, and have fun with this blank check. Hang it in a place where you can see it everyday, if you have a vision board this will be an excellent addition.
The universe will answer your request.
Here is the link for the printable blank check:
Prosperity and abundance to you!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
How To Buy Silver as Investment

Below are a list of two sites online that you can purchase silver as investments. Keep in mind this will allow you to purchase the physical metals. There are different ways to purchase silver as investment. I will be showing you two sites below that allows you to purchase silver direct from them.
WARNING: Before you make any investment purchase, do a lot of your own research and study about these investments. Make sure you talk to your financial advisor's before making any investment decisions.
Below are a list of two sites where you can purchase physical silver for investment purposes:
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 1 of 5)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
How To Win During The Recession
The people winning during this economic collapse are the people who are operating from the heart chakra. I will share with you what these people are doing and why it is valuable to your overall success during this time in history.
The link below will show you 3 steps to take on how to win in this recession.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Gerald Celente on Econmic Collapse
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How To Set Up Passive Income Streams

Hello all.
In this current economy it is crucial that you have more than one income stream. The income stream from a steady pay check generally for most people just won't be enough, today. I have written an article on to show you how to set up passive income streams to generate long term wealth.
Enjoy the article here:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Providing Positive Value
25 02 2009
Photo By
“The most effective way to achieve right relations with any living thing is to look for the best in it, and then help that best into the fullest expression.”
Hello all.
Providing positve value to people is where the juice in life is. When you focus on service and assisting others, you take yourself outside of the box, and into a world of endless possibilities. The best way to reach your own desires and goals, is by first asking yourself, how can I Provide positive value to people? Providing positive value has a very special reward for many individuals. One of the best rewards by providing positive value to people is the inner sense of accomplishment you will receive. When I write these posts, a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment becomes present in me. There are many ways to provide positive value to people. The best way is to focus on your own talents. What are you naturally good at?
When you pick what you are naturally good at, for example writing, counseling, photography, music or anything of that nature, share this unique talent and focus on the positive value that you are sending out.
Sending out positive value is essential to getting the ball rolling in life. As you stay in-tune with your talents, and focus on providing positive value, soon enough it becomes really easy for you to do so. It becomes very natural to do what you do and share this amazing gift with other people.
The fulfillment in creating positive value alone is one of the best feelings in the world.
Many people get stuck endlessly working hard for something that barley keeps them surviving. This is the old way of doing things, and is not the only way to make a living. When your total focus is to provide positive value to the world, for doing something whether it be at a job, or your own business, you are making a bold statement. You are trusting that you believe in what you have to offer the world and are living a more meaningful life, versus just going with the motions. To be a person of service and have that value reach many people I think is way more valuable than trying to survive. Providing positive value to others can come in many different forms. The best part is that you get to decide how to create this reality. As long as you are following your highest joy and working on your talents, with the intent of providing positive value to people, I believe that the world is yours.
Focus first on what you can provide to others, and the rest will flow naturally to you. You will be amazed at the great positive changes in your life that begin to emerge as a result of providing positive value to other people.
Multiple Streams of Income Below!
Click Here!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There are different ideas about money. Just like religion or anything else for that matter. Money is such a taboo subject in many circles. Most of you know my name is Baker, mainly because I make a lot of dough. The reason I called myself Baker is because yes, I am doing well financially, and I would like to sustain long term wealth for the future. However what most of you don't know is that money comes to those who are in direct vibration to it. In other words choosing a name like Baker is good for me, because it thus then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are positive associations with the name Baker, and it resonates with my energy.
Money won't come to those that despise, fear or hate it. Money is also called a currency, because it's simply an energy. Money has an energy attached to it. Everything in life has an energy attatched to it.
So if you think poor thoughts over and over, and our thoughts carry a vibration, then the likely hood of you receiving money is slim to none.
Money will come to those who match it's frequency. The ideas you grew up with in terms of what money was, is probably the same way you feel about money today. Money becomes the belief that you attach to it. If you believed as a child, that money comes frequently to you by doing work you love, there is a good chance that you are doing what you love, and making a good amount of money from it today.
Most people were born with the idea that money is hard to make. Most people have heard that "money doesn't grow on trees."
These ideas as you grew up is what you are facing in your daily life today, unless you've done some internal mindset changes about the subject of money.
I want to ask my readers what were some of your ideas about money growing up?
Maverick Money Below!
Click Here!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
5 Simple steps to Financial Freedom: According to Baker!
13 11 2007Baker’s 5 Easy Steps to financial freedom:
1. Start a business you love.
2. Save and Invest more money than everyone else.
3. Study from people who have done it. (i.e books,seminars,audio, mentors)
4. Think from the end, as if you have already achieved your Financial Freedom. (applying the Law of Attraction)
5. Share your talents and wealth with the world.
I know these 5 steps seem very basic and you probably heard this a million times, or maybe this is your first time hearing this. In any event, these are the 5 ways to be financially free. Simply said, financial freedom is one point in life when you do not work for money anymore. Being financially free doesn’t necessarily mean you have to become a millionaire, (although in the economic times to come with inflation you might have to be) Rather it is having enough money coming in as passive income without you having to work for it. For those interested in learning more about passive income I highly recommend reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dadwritten by Robert Kiyosaki.
Back to the 5 steps. There are no short-cuts. These are the steps. I call them 5 “simple” steps but there will be times when one step or maybe all of them may be very challenging, and difficult. But what is life without a challenge right? I figured if you wanted financial freedom bad enough there will always be a “way” to achieve it. I forgot to mention to have fun on your journey. Your journey towards financial freedom is unique in itself. Personally I am on this journey myself. I have found a lot of very fascinating things, and have had valuable experiences, and I have only just begun. You will encounter many obstacles and challenges, but if you have fun and really enjoy the lessons and experiences described in these 5 steps, not only will you achieve financial freedom, but you will have a great time doing it!
Think and Grow Rich Online Below!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A comedic look on Chris Rock's Explination on Wealth
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Napoleon HIll Video
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Best Kept Secret to Financial Wealth- James Arthur Ray
28 06 2008The moment I read this article, I just had to share it with you all. James Arthur Ray is the author of the new book called Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want. James was also featured in the movie and book The Secret.
Contrary to popular opinion, creating unlimited financial wealth won’t come from chasing more money.
Now don’t get me wrong, I can help you make more money–plenty of it! And if the statement above seems counterintuitive to you, then that’s exactly why you and I need to spend more time together. Check this out…
A recent Gallup poll posted in USA Today found that 55% of those surveyed state their families are worse off financially today than they were this same time last year. This is the highest number since 1976, and it’s an eleven-point jump since February of this year.
Interestingly enough, in the very same survey, 26% say they’re better off than they were a year ago. What gives?
How is it that in the same economy (with the same government officials, the same war, same gas prices, same housing market) that one group thinks their finances are doing poorly but another group actually believes things are better?
Now you might think that the 26% are just some of the more privileged few… maybe. But just suppose there’s more to it than that. The answer to this question resides in a money paradox that a distinct few understand and most may never grasp. We’ll get to that in a minute.
In my new book Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want, I share the little known truth that, while many people believe wealth is equated to vast sums of money, if you trace the root of the word wealth back to its origins, it literally translates as “well-being.”
Now I know you might be thinking, “Well James, if I had more money, I’d have more true wealth and well-being!”
But studies show that this is not necessarily the case… In fact, most often it’s not.
A recent survey posted by US Private Banks surveyed individuals with a net worth of $38 million or more. Of those surveyed, 65% stated that they felt “financially insecure.” Now get this… These are people with a net worth of at least $38 million! So maybe it’s not just the privileged few that are feeling better off than last year.
Think about it, if you have a net worth of $38M and wake up in the morning feeling financially insecure… with wealth being defined as well-being, are you truly wealthy? The obvious answer is a resounding “No!”
Many Americans believe that a new president is the answer to our situation. Many believe that dealing with the oil and gas companies will make things better. Even more think that if we get out of the war in Iraq, all will become harmonious. While all of these issues may have an impact, they are in no way the answer.
So what is the answer? What will bring more financial well-being into your life? The answer resides in the thoughts, feelings and actions of you as an individual.
First, shift your focus of attention.
Get your mind and continued thoughts off the economy and all the problems being pumped into your home by the mass media. As difficult as this may be, those who are truly wealthy–financially and otherwise–choose where they place their attention and stand guard like a watchdog at the gates of their mind.
Peter Lynch once stated, “I don’t spend more than 15 minutes a year thinking about the economy.” Lynch’s results speak for themselves. Stop. Just stop for a moment and think rationally… There’s no way in hell that any company’s true worth can fluctuate as dramatically on any given day as the New York Stock Exchange would indicate. It’s nothing but an opinion–and other people’s opinions are only predictions if you allow them to be.
There’s a principle in our universe which states: Energy flows where attention goes. So consider this: Where are you directing your energy and attention every single day? Regardless of what you answer, your current results will tell the truth… for your results are a reflection of you.
Second, stop chasing the money.
Science tells us that everything is vibration, including your thoughts, feelings and actions… And yes, even your money. Now think about this… If you’re constantly thinking, feeling and acting (what I call going “3 for 3″) as if you “need more, need more,” what’s the real message you’re sending out energetically? You guessed correctly if you said the message is, “You don’t have it.”
The universe hears the real message at the level of vibration and states, “Your wish is my command!” As a result, you’ll end up living your life always wanting but never having. You’ll never get financially wealthy with that strategy.
Third, be grateful for all the good that currently exists in your life.
If all things are an energetic vibration (which they are) and energy flows where attention goes (which it does), then to place your consistent attention upon the things for which you’re grateful is one of the most powerful things you can do. Unlike the message of “I don’t have it,” when you place your attention with gratitude on all the goodness that currently exists, it’s like stating, “Thank you for this. Send me more.” When you get grateful, the universe sends you more to be grateful for.
Finally, consistently focus on providing more value and service to the world.
Take the attention off of “What can I get?” and place it upon “What can I give?” If you want to have more, give more. Winners always give ten times more value than they ask for in return.
Doubt me? Look around. I challenge you to find a millionaire who’s not surrounded by six-figure income earners. Likewise, find any billionaire and they’ll be surrounded by multimillionaires. Why? Because you only profit handsomely in life by providing service and value to others. In other words, you’ll only get your big dreams by helping others get theirs.
I recently shared the stage with billionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records and Virgin Airlines. There were two things Richard stated that really reinforced what I knew to be true. First, he stated, “I’ve never done anything in my life to make money. I just always ask, ‘Is it going to be fun?’”
Next, Richard stated, “Money is just a convenient way of keeping score.” If you truly understand this principle, you’ll realize that in a capitalistic society, the amount of money you have (or don’t have) is directly correlated to the depth and span of the value you provide.
So here’s the money paradox I mentioned earlier:
The greatest way to attract and create more money (or anything for that matter) is to not need it.
Now think it through again… If you need something, the real message you’re sending out is, “I don’t have it.” Your neediness is like a raging bonfire, and you’re throwing another log on it day after day, hoping it’ll go out. The only way to squelch the fire of your lack of financial abundance is to not feed it.
Just continually focus on providing tremendous value and service. Henry Ford so wisely put it years ago, “Money will never be achieved when sought after directly. It only comes as the by-product of providing a useful service.”
Truth is timeless.
Get your attention off the economy and your problems, stop chasing the money, become continually grateful for all the goodness you currently have and consistently think, feel and act (going “3 for 3″) on what you can give versus what you can get. You’ll have true wealth and well-being in every area: relational, mental, physical, spiritual and yes, financial. And just like Branson and so many others who have figured it out, you’ll have a lot of fun doing it.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Truth About The Current U.S Economy & People You Need to Google.
14 12 2008Hello all.
As most of you probably are very aware of, the U.S economy is going through some very rough times. There are many questions that arise out of these uncertain financial times. I intend that by introducing to you some of these individuals, that you get a clearer understanding of the current U.S economy. Below is a list of people that I highly recommend you read up on, and watch. The following people are similar in their views on the current and future outlook of the U.S economy.
Here are a few people that I believe speak the truth about the Current U.S Economy and also the future of the U.S economy.
Google their name along with: “current economy”
1. Robert Kiyosaki
2. Peter D. Schiff
3. Ron Paul
4. Jim Rogers
5. Gerald Celente
On Youtube
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Why Doing What You Love, doesn’t Pay You money Right Away-But Eventaully Will.
5 02 2009Hello all.
Doing what you love doesn’t pay you money right away. The reason that doing what you love doesn’t make money quickly is because you have to prove to the universe that you really love what you do.
When you do it for the love, instead of the money you begin to see that this is the natural process, in attaining your goal. Many people have worked on their crafts for long periods of time, only to see a big payday years later. When people give up on what they love because it doesn’t pay much, that’s a signal to the universe of a lack of commitment on your dreams. When you focus on your dreams and do what you love no matter what the obstacle, not only will the money begin to come, but you will understand the process was highly enjoyable. You have to prove that you would do nothing rather than follow your dreams, and when you are at the right time it will come. But the best part isn’t making the money, it was actually in the experience you’ve gone through. There is a lot of trust on your part that you will make it happen. That trust you have for yourself, will reflect in the way you handle your business.
A cup of Determination mixed with a scoop of patience are the key ingredients to this recipe of attaining money from doing what you love. In due time you will make money from your passion!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Get a Copy of My Book.

Make sure to grab a copy of my book. It will change your life in a positive manner. You will be astonished at the authenticity and real words of wisdom that are found on my book. I get to the point, and make very bold predictions of what I see as the spirtual revolution taking place in the U.S.A. This spiritual revolution is taking place because of the complete collapse of the U.S economy.
Purchase my book on the link below. (You'll need to sign up real quick and easy/takes a few seconds on the site before you purchase)
With Gratitude,
Gerald Celente Predicts future of U.S Economy & Revolution.

Photo From:
I found this very thought-provoking prediction on the future of the U.S Economy by a man named Gerald Celente. Please watch this video.
Thank you. I hope you find this informative.
The link is provided here:
Friday, May 29, 2009
What You Should Focus On Right Now In This Current Economy!

Hello all.
The economy is currently collapsing. I urge people to not look for jobs during this time. I urge people to create from their souls and create jobs for others. I am supporter of entrepreneurship especially at this time. Many people need to wake up and start to create value to others. The current money system is collapsing before your eyes. Don't chase or fret over this currency that is becoming more worthless everyday.
Capitalism is crumbling into pieces, and the people that are still chasing the old ways of corporate structure will eventually fail.
The people that rise now, are the creators of spirit and joy. If you really wanted to build your wealth, start to create more. Do what you love. The focus should be on providing positive value and contributing to society.
Focus on providing good at this time, don't chase after a corporate system that is collapsing before your eyes. Be wise and share your awareness with others. Do what you love, there is no other choice right now.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Blank Check Printable Version
Above is the blank check from the universe. It is a magic check, put in whatever dollar amount you intend to acquire. Use your imagination, and put the amount that you want. Write this check and place it in your wallet or purse. The universe is always listening to your intentions. Have fun and enjoy!
Blank Check Link to printable version:
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Dollar Collapse and Money as Debt - Part One
Baker' 5 Easy Steps To Financial Freedom
Baker’s 5 Easy Steps to financial freedom:
1. Start a business you love.
2. Invest at least 10% of every income you make.
3. Study from people who have done it. (i.e books,seminars,audio, mentors)
4. Purchase more assets than liabilities. Assets are things that put money into your pocket (Cash flow real estate, Businesses) Liabilities are things that take money away from your pocket (New T.V Set, New Clothes, etc.)
I know these 5 steps seem very basic and you probably heard this a million times, or maybe this is your first time hearing this. In any event, these are the 5 ways to be financially free. Simply said, financial freedom is one point in life when you do not work for money anymore. Being financially free doesn’t necessarily mean you have to become a millionaire, (although in the economic times to come with inflation you might have to be) Rather it is having enough money coming in as passive income without you having to work for it. For those interested in learning more about passive income I highly recommend reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad written by Robert Kiyosaki.
Back to the 5 steps. There are no short-cuts. These are the steps. I call them 5 “easy” steps but there will be times when one step or maybe all of them may be very challenging, and difficult. But what is life without a challenge right? I figured if you wanted financial freedom bad enough there will always be a “way” to achieve it. I forgot to mention to have fun on your journey. Your journey towards financial freedom is unique in itself. Personally I am on this journey myself. I have found a lot of very fascinating things, and have had valuable experiences, and I have only just begun. You will encounter many obstacles and challenges, but if you have fun and really enjoy the lessons and experiences described in these 5 steps, not only will you achieve financial freedom, but you will have a great time doing it!
Till next time…
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wal-Mart Controversy

Wal-Mart Controversy- Lower prices for the Consumer, but at what cost?
“Always Lower Prices” “Always Lower Ethics.” In the past several years, Wal-Mart has been gaining a lot of controversy in the media, due to their unethical ways of doing business. Wal-Mart store practices, when broken down to its core elements are simply cruel and vicious. Many unanswered questions arise to the controversy that exist in Wal-Mart Corporations. Is the controversy surrounding the fact that Wal-Mart pays lower wages to their non-union employees than most retail stores? Perhaps it is that Wal-Mart stores support highly unethical offshore outsourcing corporations? Or maybe the controversy is that Wal-Mart is facing the largest number of gender discrimination cases in history?
I don’t normally shop at Wal-Mart, but a few weeks ago I decided to go to Wal-Mart to purchase a notebook I needed for class. I figured that on my way back from school I’d just stop by the Wal-Mart located on University Street, before heading on to the 215 freeway, back home. I entered Wal-Mart with the intention of simply getting my notebook and leaving, since money is normally not an issue for me, I usually just buy items without looking at the price, and head on to the cash register. As I picked up the notebook, my eyes couldn’t help to notice the price. A 5-Subject Notebook for only $2.75! This was unheard of. Only hearing from other people about low prices at Wal-Mart, my amazement was evident in my gesture as I stood in the middle of the wide-aisle with the item on my hand, with my eyes opened wide and mouth wide open dropping to the floor. Indeed, a remarkably shocking moment for me at the low price of this item. Being an entrepreneur and business major, a thought occurred in my head, “How does Wal-Mart manage to have items such as these, as such a low price, and continue to be regarded as the number 1 employer in the nation? Keeping their cost extremely low and at the same time managing many people to want to work there? “
The answer later came to me seconds later as I switched from being tuned into the low price of the notebook to now being tuned into the Wal-Mart atmosphere and overall environment. Standing in line getting my purchases situated, I couldn’t help but recognize the environment I found myself in. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and what I witnessed that afternoon was something so surreal almost in a form of what some may regard as an “epiphany” of sorts. The site of Discontented, struggling Mothers dressed in clothes they haven’t washed in seemingly days on end, children dressed in clothes that mainstream would render as clothes for poverty stricken children on welfare, with bodies that appeared as lack of proper nutrition. The not so pleasant site of Un-kept Drug attics and disabled people not on their medication, searching around the store for the low prices on basic necessities such as soap, food, and water. Oh, and the employees, the look of struggle and worry in their eyes, a feeling of lack and a struggle for survival in the eyes of the workers stood out so vividly in my mind. Working in such harsh conditions, and why?
According to an October 2006 article written by Gogoi, Pallavi a reporter for Business Week Online, “About 200 employees at the Wal-Mart Super Center in Hialeah Gardens, Florida, walked out on October 16, 2006 due to unfair policies involving low salary, discrimination against women, and overtime work without compensation. The protest was provoked by Guillermo Vasquez and Rosie Larosa, two department managers at Wal-Mart who felt the company’s policies are going overboard “(p.1).
What is happening here is that ther Rich are taking from the poor. Although Wal-Mart is considered to be the number 1 employer in the nation, Unethical business practices is allowing Wal-Mart to profit in substantial numbers. According to Brian Hansen (2004) a reporter from CQ Researcher states, “Critics complain that the much-touted “everyday low prices” of big-box stores like Wal-Mart actually carry many hidden costs for taxpayers, the community at large and the environment, including: driving smaller stores out of business and turning downtown shopping areas into boarded-up ghost towns” (p.1).
Wal-Mart Corporation strategically places their stores in low income neighborhoods so that the unemployed could work there (with very low pay) thus lowering the prices on Wal-Marts goods they sell for other lower-income people can buy. So on one hand yes, the poor’s needs are being met but at the same time do you see the vicious cycle taking place? The poor are are working so hard and buying things at lower prices just to meet their basic needs being stuck in the system that was created by Wal-Mart. The employee can’t pass up that low paying job at Wal-Mart because he needs to eat and have a roof over his head.
Sam Walton creator of knew that this was the case.
According to Frank T.A, a reporter from The Washington Monthly, “Although he (Walton) was ranked as the richest man in the United States by the 1980s, he continued, it is said, to have his hair cut by the local barber, a $5 expense that he never supplemented with a tip (Perhaps he wasn’t satisfied.)”(1). Sam Walton’s thriftiness was not any different in how he did business. Sam Walton understood that a major requirement for keeping costs down was controlling his payroll. According to his autobiography in 1992 Made in America, Walton contends “No matter how you slice it in the retail business, payroll is one of the most important parts of overhead, and overhead is one of the most crucial things you have to fight to maintain your profit margin” (p.45).
So he created the system to capitalize on the situation. Welcome to America! The land of the free (only if you are rich).
Wal-Mart is undoubtedly the most successful and most profitable retail store in the country. Their lower prices surpasses their competition by numbers that stagger the imagination. Lower prices for consumers? Yes. The cost? The cost of humanity and ethics…
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Indviduals That Understand Where The Real U.S Economy Is Headed.
Hello all.
As most of you probably are very aware of, the U.S economy is going through some very rough times. There are many questions that arise out of these uncertain financial times. I intend that by introducing to you some of these individuals, that you get a clearer understanding of the current U.S economy. Below is a list of people that I highly recommend you read up on, and watch. The following people are similar in their views on the current and future outlook of the U.S economy.
Here are a few people that I believe speak the truth about the Current U.S Economy and also the future of the U.S economy.
Google their name along with: “current economy”
1. Robert Kiyosaki
2. Peter D. Schiff
3. Ron Paul
4. Jim Rogers
On Youtube
Friday, April 24, 2009
Launced Brand New Baker The Brand Online Store!

Hello all.
Exciting news! I have a brand new online store. All products and clothing are Baker The Brand approved. Support the Baker Movement by purchasing items on this store.
Click on the link below to enter the Baker The Brand Online store.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Baker's Wealth Thoughts
I haven't posted in awhile. I've been working steadily on my personal development book entitled Beyond Success. This book has taken up most of my creative time.
I will continue to write here, as time permits.
Thank you for your patience.
On the side bar I have included some books on wealth creation that I have read and have found to be very effective. I highly recommend these books for getting the right mindset for wealth.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
How to Use This Daily Habbit To Become Automatically Rich.

Hello all. I want to share with you a daily habit that will make you rich automatically. This daily habit will take a lot of self discipline, but done over a period of time can become a habit that makes you rich. This technique/daily habit is what most rich people do everyday. I learned this 3 years ago, and I have to admit it is hard to stay persistent with this daily habit. But I hope you see why this daily habit, does make you rich automatically.
Things You’ll Need:
- Self-discipline
- Motivation
- 3 piggy banks
- Loose Change to Start off
This technique is called paying yourself first. This technique can become a daily habit which will ultimately make you very rich in the long-run, if you stay committed to it. First. you need to purchase 3 separate piggy banks. You can buy these at Walmart or the 99 cents store. It doesn't matter where you purchase them. Just have 3 separate piggy banks. Next you want to put labels on each piggy bank. The first piggy bank you need to label as "Investing"
The second piggy bank Label should be called "Saving" and lastly the third piggy bank should be labeled "Charity"
the day into the 3 places that matter most. This is a technique and habit used by the super rich, just they do so in larger sums of money. But eventually this discipline pays off big time in the long run, and assist you in becoming rich automatically.