Hello all. I want to share with you a daily habit that will make you rich automatically. This daily habit will take a lot of self discipline, but done over a period of time can become a habit that makes you rich. This technique/daily habit is what most rich people do everyday. I learned this 3 years ago, and I have to admit it is hard to stay persistent with this daily habit. But I hope you see why this daily habit, does make you rich automatically.
Difficulty: Challenging
Things You’ll Need:
- Self-discipline
- Motivation
- 3 piggy banks
- Loose Change to Start off
This daily habit, will make you rich. This is an automatic system that very rich people use ever day, but it takes a lot of time and self-disciplined effort on your part.This technique is called paying yourself first. This technique can become a daily habit which will ultimately make you very rich in the long-run, if you stay committed to it. First. you need to purchase 3 separate piggy banks. You can buy these at Walmart or the 99 cents store. It doesn't matter where you purchase them. Just have 3 separate piggy banks. Next you want to put labels on each piggy bank. The first piggy bank you need to label as "Investing"
The second piggy bank Label should be called "Saving" and lastly the third piggy bank should be labeled "Charity"
the day into the 3 places that matter most. This is a technique and habit used by the super rich, just they do so in larger sums of money. But eventually this discipline pays off big time in the long run, and assist you in becoming rich automatically.
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