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Monday, February 16, 2009
Why The Wealthy Are Purchasing Gold and Silver.
Hello all.
The U.S dollar is headed for a complete collapse. With the new stimulus package that Barrack Obama has put in place, there is going to be what is called "hyperinflation" Hyperinflation is bad. It means that there is too much money in the system. When there is too much money in the system, this makes the value of each dollar goes down. If his administration continues to pass on these stimulus packages and pump in trillions of dollars into the system, we as Americans are headed for some heavy financial burden in the future.
Barrack Obama and Economics
On the level of hope and idealism, I think Barrack Obama is a great leader. His persuasive positive influence and his way with words are probably the best I've seen in a long time. He is a great model and inspiration for many Americans to follow. I am glad he is the president, as he is the voice of hope, and change in this country. However in terms of money, economics, and fiscal policy, he is not doing anything different than what George W. Bush has done. He is continuing on the same path of complete destruction for Americans financially. A great president for Americans at this time in history? Yes, but I don't know if he or the people he surrounds himself really understand the microeconomics of the financial debacle that is taking place, and will continue to take place due to his actions of passing a stimulus package.
What The Stimulus Package Really Does.
The stimulus package that is in place, is like putting a small bandage on a wound that needs stitches. It is going to appear like the economy is going to do well in the short-term, but the long-term damage is too severe. The damage is sever because this has been a problem for a long time, that is only now getting media attention. The long term effects of these stimulus packages are devastating to the future generations. We owe trillions of dollars to China, and we are going to put billions of it back into the system? This money that is being put into the system, is printed money by the FEDS that comes out of thin air. They are creating their own money,and getting away with it. This stimulus package is not "real money" and Americans are running on borrowed time and money.
Why the Wealthy Are Purchasing Gold and Silver
The wealthy people that understand monetary policy, have been and continue to invest their money in commodities like gold and silver. Gold and silver are considered to be real money. Gold and silver have stood the test of time throughout the ages. Wealthy individuals understand the the dollar is loosing value fast, and are taking action by trading their U.S Dollars into something more valuable such as gold and silver.
Gold and silver will produce an enormous amount of wealth in the long term.
The wealthy understand this, while the fake rich think that the more U.S dollars they accumulate the more richer they become. If you want to be wealthy in the long term, begin looking at gold and silver as an investment. Read books, and talk to people that understand these commodities. I advice people to study and thoroughly research any investment before making a purchase.
In conclusion, the stimulus package looks good in the short term, but the long term effects will be catastrophic. It creates more money into a system thus bringing the value of each dollar down. It will bring it down so low, that eventually a U.S dollar will be worthless. As the dollar goes down, commodities such as Gold and Silver rise because people stop believing in holding on to worthless U.S dollars, and begin to purchase gold and silver to ultimately grow their wealth.
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