Making Passive Income Online For Smart People. Changing lives in a positve way from the inside-out. Helping others to financial freedom online !
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Inspiration, 100% Belief, and Living a life of Fuffilment
"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible."
— T.E. Lawrence
Inspiration, Belief and Living a Life of Fulfillment
You see it all the time, it this society there are people living today that go through life struggling. Searching looking for the next big thing. Only to find out that the next big thing really doesn’t exist.
As an entrepreneur, author and all around awesome guy, I have searched long and wide for opportunities that I felt would be the next big thing. I have struggled and dealt with many challenges in my own personal life that I’m sure would have crushed weaker souls at any given moment.
But, what drives me to continue to share my own authentic truth with everyone on a blog?
It is my drive and desire to reach higher in life. So many people try to do things the quick and easy way only to find out that they are running themselves in circles.
What I enjoy about Life
That’s no fun at all. What I really enjoy about my own life and continue to enjoy is that freedom I have to continually express my true authentic self. When you get these blog posts you get the real me. The me that understands there are people that are going through challenges. The me that gets that, and wants to truly help and sincerely make an impact on people’s live in a POSITIVE and AUTHENTIC WAY!!!!
I am not here to tell you that its always going to be easy to get what it is you truly want in life. I’m here to challenge you to join me and get empowered on this amazing journey of life.
Get Outside of Yourself
When you step outside of yourself and see that you are here for a BIGGER PURPOSE outside of yourself. When you fully connect with that reason within you that tells you that you ARE WORTHY, you are STRONG enough, you are capable of experiencing life to its fullest potential then you start to really step into that space of who you TRULY ARE. Not the you that society programed for you, not the you that your parents said you were. But the fully expanded you that is searching for something brighter and bigger so too can voice and share the truths within you. Stop thinking this is about you. This is BIGGER than you. This is honest, real, SERVICE to HUMANITY.
I understand there are opportunities that are not for everyone. Some people let fear stop them from actually earning income online by being themselves. I get it that some people would spend the whole day on social media and work with people and go through all this struggle trying to prove they are right on a topic they love. But, the truth is that all though all that time is being spent well and you are helping people. Why aren’t you getting adequately paid for your service?
Are you selling yourself short? You see there are real people that are everyday people that just want to help people. They have a sincere desire to help and serve people. I am one of those people. But we live in a world where being paid for what you love doing seems to be such a taboo subject.
Truth is you have to know you deserve to get paid for your efforts. You need to stop selling yourself short. I’m not promising fortunes here. I’m talking about are you getting paid what you are worth in the time and effort you are putting in ?If you spend all day long in social media and aren’t getting paid at all. Let’s just be honest, that’s wasting your time.
My Vision
You see I have a vision for a life where there are people that are sincerely helping the masses, but a system also in place that gets those people the funding and money to live the life of their dreams. A system that is automated. So they spend more time in connecting with others, sharing, giving, and being of best help as needed. A world where people are living in happiness and abundance, not having to slave away at their 9-5 job or limit themselves on how much they can earn. A world where making a difference everyday in people’s lives is what really counts.
A world where people are being their true authentic self. Where they are sharing the truths of who they are openly. Being of people of true integrity, honesty, and LOVE.
The Breakthrough For You Begins With LOVE…
You see people don’t know that if you truly want to breakthrough in your life you have to LOVE what you are doing. This love shines outward. People feel it, they know you are in it for the LOVE of your craft and the LOVE of humanity. Sire, there will be those that hate and envy that LOVE you have for your life. But, do so anyway. LOVE is the answer.
Love the inner parts of you, be that shining beacon of light for others by loving who you are at every moment. Stop settling for less than what you are capable. This means spirituality, emotionally, mentally, and financially.
Unity Faith and 100% Belief Leads To A Blessed Life of Fulfillment
This unity I speak about is unity with who you truly are inside. This is you Simply KNOWING YOURSELF FULLY. This is you BELIEVING in yourself 100% FULLY. It’s not 1.5% belie,f, 20.2% belief, 50% belief.. Not 75% Belief.. It’s 100% Belief. That’s different then thinking you are going to do something, or wondering if it will work… IT’S KNOWING 100% THAT IT WILL WORK. It’s a different energy. This is the energy that gets you closer aligned to who you truly are. This is the energy that gets you going to where you truly in your heart know you are supposed to BE. This means mentally, spirituality, emotionally, and financially.
I know for certain… This is where the magic in your life begins. This is where your actions and your beliefs are so aligned with universal consciousness and unlimited power that you can’t sleep at night because you are so excited about your life. You are so excited that you are making a real difference in others lives. You are so excited that when you wake up the next day you have more money in your bank account then the day before. Just by sleeping. I'm not promising you fortunes…. I am just saying this is what it feels like when you start to align your will with DIVINE UNIVERSAL WILL. This is the moment of honesty.
This is where the you that you always knew about within yourself begins to shine because you stop question if you can get it done. You stop doubting in what you are capable of becoming and experiencing in life. You stop looking at your past failures, your past mistakes, mishaps. You start looking at who you are right now, the perfect you. The unlimited you.
The BEST YOU. and start seeing a future within you that is so bright, so amazing, so honestly and utterly mind blowing that you begin to stand in awe of the greatness within you. You stop trying to please others and you start to see that all of this begins with belief in yourself. You stop caring about what people think of you, and awake to the GOOD that you already have within…..
Yes BUT… I’m afraid of Today’s Harsh Cold World…
Here’s what happens. Even if you believe in yourself 100% and start fully grasping the truth within.. Truth is the old world that people once knew that consisted of the industrial age, and the old corporate systems are headed for collapse and are in ruin.
You see this 3d world you now see yourself in can be VERY mean. It is so hard sometimes to live in this 3d physical reality where there are so many reptiles, and just ugly nasty negative people. However, do you know that its just a trap!?
You see the trap most people get SO many people try so hard to fit into this MEAN and NASTY mold that the old outdated corporate SYSTEM tries to get them in. They settle for these things because they feel they are not worthy to truly step into that love within them that is deserving of having what they truly want in life. They start thinking lackful and scarcity thoughts that aren’t true. They stop believing in the unlimited abundance of the universe. They stop believing that it’s okay to help make a difference in people’s lives and still live a life of financial freedom. They stop seeing the good in life. That is why they fail. They fail because their vision and dreams are tarnished. So they don’t take the action necessary that will fuel them to getting to where they want to be in life. They settle for comfort. They stop LIVING.
Me At The Time of this Writing….
When I write this I just write from my heart. None of this is meant to impose any one certain belief on to you. I just know that there are some people who are ready to make a change in their life because they are sick of the daily grind of living below what they truly are capable of. If anything this is just a WAKE UP CALL to people who continue to settle for less than what they FULLY DESERVE AS THEIR RIGHT.
This is the call to people that are always dreaming hoping the future will be better when in reality all they need is the right vehicle that can help them get to a better standing in life, so they can feel just a little bit better about themselves. I’m not talking about some magical ONE DAY Thing. I’m talking about that little boost in energy that will get them going again, to start living the life of their dreams. That little boost, that tiny ounce of GOOD REAL energy that will get them moving in the right direction again…..
Some people will really love this, some people will not like what I write. It doesn’t matter. I know that at the end of the day this is my true expression of me at this very moment. The me that knows and believes in YOU.
The me that knows you are more than what society has tried to make you out. The me that believes that you are more than capable to be the best you daily, to make a difference in others lives, to live a life of financial prosperity and get away from that idea that money is bad, that you don’t deserve it. They me that BELIEVES IN YOUR BIG DREAMS!!!!
If you are serious about your financial future, and are ready to start expressing yourself 100% authentically and freely, and are tired of going around in circles trying to find the next big thing, then join here.
The next big thing is not going to be in any program you join, or whatever it is you think will take you to the next level. The next big thing my friend… IS YOU!!!!! Always has been, always will be.
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