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Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Does Freedom Mean To You? Are You Making Money Online Yet?

What Does Freedom Mean to You? 

 and Are You Making Money Online Yet?

by | on August 25, 2012

Are You Making Money Online Yet?
“The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity.” -Keith Ferrazzi
The question I get asked a lot is the question I get a lot when I started my blog back in Late 2007 was this.
“Oh cool your blogging but how do you make money from that blog? ”  Truth is there are many ways to make money from a blog.

Here is a list of just a few.
1.       Affiliates- (having banners on your blog that pay you money when someone buys a product).
2.       Adsense (Get paid whenever someone clicks on your ad).
3.       Ebook (Get paid whenever someone buys your ebook).
4.       Sponsorships- (Having a company place a banner on your blog and pay you monthly)

These are just a few ways you can make money from a blog. Those 4 I mentioned have been ways I’ve been making money online from my site bakerthebrand.com
But the problem with that model and the reason people don’t see as much success as I have with that model, is that you have to be very patient, and be in it for the long-haul. The statistics show very clearly that an overwhelming number of people starting as a new blogger will quit their blog in the first 6 months.
Some argue that if you get past your first year of blogging consistently you have reached a threshold of being a “real blogger.”

The point I do want to make here is this. You don’t get rich off of blogging alone if you’ve been only blogging for less than a year. A very tiny percentage of people actually get very lucky and do start  receiving great traffic and great opportunities early on to really make money online, but that is very rare.
For the average person, it takes a good 2 years to really start seeing some good income on a blog. A lot of people don’t have the time commitment or desire to stick it out that long, that’s why the number of people actually making money from a blog, and online is very small.
Don’t Be Discouraged.

I don’t mean to say this to discourage you. After all, I do make income online. I’m not a millionaire. But, I do get passive residual income from blogging and also earn residual passive income from my ebooks.
I work from home and have the time freedom to do more of the things I enjoy nowadays. Being mobile is one of the great things about making money online. So many people get the wrong impression that you have to have so much money to start living the life of your dreams, and become more mobile and have a very flexible schedule outside of a regular boring 9-5. It’s not true. You can start living a more mobile and time freedom life with less money then you probably think.  It just depends on what lifestyle you really want.
Residual Income Is Great
The ability to earn residual passive income online should be your goal. The residual passive income coming in every month is what will take you closer to financial freedom.
The great thing about residual passive income is that it continues to come to you all the time, regardless if you are working or not. Residual income has given me an awesome life. I enjoy time freedom and money freedom and I love every moment of it. It’s a good time. =)
Are You Tired of your 9-5 Job?
So if you are tired of your 9-5 job, or have been laid off and are looking for alternative ways to earn some residual income, blogging may be for you.
The great thing about blogging also is that once you get to a certain point, if you want… and it makes sense for your blog is to hire other writers to blog for you. You don’t have to write your own blogs. Which is great.

The Benefits of Blogging
1. A Nice Home for your Marketing and Promotions. Imagine having one place or a home for all of your marketing and promotions? That’s what blogging essential is. It’s a nice home for all your marketing and promotions. Blogging acts as  an ongoing marketing and promotions home for any product or service you recommend. For example let’s say you are in the make money niche. If you tried out a new product that actually brought you more traffic to your blog or website, and you have the stats to prove it. Then your blog is where you share what the product did for you, write up a real and honest review of the product, and bam! You are an affiliate marketer, earning money on your sales ! Just link back to your affiliate link (Provided by your company’s product site) and you get a percentage of the income you get from simply reviewing and recommending the product.
  2. Creating Your Own Product. There’s a lot of room for creativity for someone starting and operating a blog to earn income. I personally like writing, so creating ebooks for me is wonderful.  It is a lot of work putting it together, but creating an ebook once regardless how long it takes, and having that ebook produce royalties for me after I do the work once, is truly rewarding. If you like the idea of creating a product or ebook once regardless of how long it takes to complete it, and then recommending it on your blog, and sitting back watch the money come in your bank account, then blogging might be the right vehicle for you to get to financial freedom.

3. Speaking Your Truth. Lots of people that just want to make money online quickly forget about this one key ingredient to success with blogging. Speaking your message and writing about things that you feel are important to you is essential to a successful blogging career. You have to be able to get a tone in your writing that the readers know it’s you, by stating and claiming what you believe most about. This means being bold and courageous in your message and staying true to your core foundation. For example, when I write a blog post I write from my own voice. I don’t try to copy others voices. I’m me and I enjoy my life and what I write.  Sure there’s an influence there, but I try to cater my message to the people that will really resonate with what I’m talking about. The benefits of this are many but you want to give your reader the real you. Why is this a benefit? Because you get to connect with the reader one on one. You also get to get some things off your chest, which can be therapeutic as well. Making a difference in others lives by recommending something that works for you and will then work for them is a great feeling. Even greater is the inspirational messages you know that you are helping to empower others with.
4. Earning Money Online. Lastly, as we have already discussed is the benefit of blogging is the potential for you to earn some money online. The best part as I’ve mentioned about earning money online for me is the time freedom it gives me. I’m a rather active person. I like to exercise and go for a nice jog everyday. If I worked a 9-5 job I don’t see how I would have time to put that desire to have a nice jog daily into my schedule. You see with a 9-5 job you are very limited on many levels.

First, you are limited on time because you are supposed to show up at the time the boss tells you to show up everyday.

Second, you are limited on income because you are told exactly how much you will get paid every 2 weeks. So you can never really grow financially.

Third, employees are taxed at the highest rate. So even though you work so hard to get your income to increase and getting your pay raise, the higher your income gets as an employee the more you pay in taxes.

Fourth, you can’t speak your mind. You have to answer to what the boss says all the time. You can’t really speak or spread your real message to a larger audience, so what you really feel just germinates in your body like a plague, while you work so hard for your boss to get rich and call all the shots.

Get Back Your Freedom.

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.  -Jim Morrison

I hope this post sparks some real interest in you to start your blog. If it doesn’t that is fine too. But, I do want to say that what I’m really talking about here is freedom.

You see, when people stop doing the things they actually really enjoy, they start to give in to the pressures of the world to start doing what they don’t really enjoy doing. Such as get a job, for the money. Sure, There are times when that is necessary. I get it. But how much of your own freedom are you really giving away when you settle for a JOB that isn’t aligned with your true purpose in life? How much time are you spending away from the people you love, just to get to work at a job you hate? With coworkers that you don’t like? How much money are you leaving on the table of potential passive residual income that can get you the life you always dreamed of?
Are you really happy at your JOB? Or are you really just settling for what you were conditioned to do and aren’t really happy with how much you are getting paid for your efforts?  Truth is so many people are in that position. They aren’t willing to finally fight for their freedom. They give into peer pressure, and end up living quiet lives of desperation.

What’s The Alternative?

So what’s the Alternative? Going Online. Many people now are flocking to the internet, trying to do all these things online to have an income that will one day set them financially free. They go around in circles trying to find the best thing. They spend time, energy money, with very little to show for it. There is plenty of money to be made on the internet, but you have to have the smarts, integrity, confidence, and dedication to move forward with making a good income online. You need the patience to start a blog and keep it running.

But I Don’t know How to start or set up a Professional Blog ?

You can start a free wordpress.com or blogger.com, but to be very blunt with you those aren’t considered “professional blogs” The free to use WordPress.com or blogger.com sites aren’t for people that are serious about making income online.

Wordprss.com and blogger.com Is more for people who see blogging as a small hobby. That’s fine, but setting up blog that you will treat as a business is different.

One of the hardest things about setting up a professional blog, is well.. Setting it up!

Aside from the money you will spend on setting up a professional blog, you do have to know a lot of technical stuff to get started, and it can be big headache.  You still have to research some good hosting service, buy hosting, setup your wordpress.org account, plus tons of extra things like creating converting capture pages, learning marketing etc. etc.

It takes about a good long and hard full week to set up all that stuff. Some can do it faster, but it’s because they already have done it. But, starting a legitimized professional looking blog from scratch is a grueling process.

Is There an Easier and Faster Way To Start Blogging and Earning Money ?
 “I like to define networking as cultivating mutually beneficial, give-and-take, win-win relationships… The end result may be to develop a large and diverse group of people who will gladly and continually refer a lot of business to us, while we do the same for them.”–Bob Burg
Yes. But, unfortunately even if I tell you what it is many people statistically won’t get in on it because they are still looking for the “Catch” Well The real “catch” is that you actually have to blog consistently (either yourself or hire an experienced writer) and share your latest blog post consistently.  That’s the only catch. That you have to fill the blog up with valuable content.

But, as far as the actual blogging system that you will get. The product is solid. If I’ve known about this 3 years ago I would’ve jumped on it sooner. It’s just way easier and faster way to blog and start earning money, while still making a positive difference in people’s lives through your Value driven content and message!!

Luckily, you don’t have to go through the process of learning how to start a blog, which can be time consuming. The system I’m working with here, that you see on this blog is being powered by Empower Network.
The great thing about empower network blogging system  is that once you join they basically give you the following.
“When The soultion is Simple, God Is Answering.”
-Albert Einstein

  • Ready Done for you’ blogging system, INSTANTLY set-up with all the ‘bells and whistles’…. to generate traffic and leads as soon as you get started.

  • High Converting Lead Capture Pages: $297 Value  high converting lead capture pages so you  can capture my leads, access my personal data base, and even use my own auto-responder to follow up with those leads If I want to!

  • ·  8-Part Fast Start Video Training Series: $397 Value
In this high-value video training series, you will learn the most effective ways to leverage  your blog (if results is what I am after), the core ‘must have’ principals to effective online business building, and a downloadable PDF ‘Core Checklist’ that will outline my biggest money making principals all in one place.
  • ·  Website Hosting, Design, Theme and Plugins: $247 Value
Because you want to get marketing and making money, fast, You don’t want to have to set-up your blog – and with this system, you don’t have to! You’ll get free hosting for your blog, a free theme with a sleek design (complete with profit pulling sales psychology), plus valuable paid plugins so that can save you  money and avoid set-up!

If this sounds like this is a right match for you get started here for only $25.
4 Types of People
“Position yourself as a center of influence, the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you’ll soon become what you project.” -Bob Burg

Either way you know that you are letting money just sit on the table each day you decide not to join and start blogging. You see there are 4 types of people in the world ….

         1. Those that want to be right.
         2. Those that want to be liked.      
         3. Those that want to be comfortable.   
         4. Those that want to win.

1. People that want to be right, just know the right things to say at the right time, and always want to prove people they are “right” and others are “wrong.” These are the people that can be flat broke and miserable, but they will still prove to you in detail why being flat broke and miserable is “Right” So they never join something like this when it slaps them in the face. Being right to them means the world to them. They have all the right answers to everything. But the problem is that they suffer from analysis paralysis. Instead of taking action on an opportunity they analyze it way too long and eventually talk themselves out of the opportunity, and are comfortable being “right.” and find happiness in proving people wrong.

2. People that want to be liked. Will do whatever it takes to be liked by others. Their livelihood depends on being liked by people, and they are constantly at the mercy of what others think of them. They never get ahead in life because they are so busy trying to make everyone else happy. They forget to fight for their own freedom and happiness. They care more about others views on them then their view of themselves. You can see the trap in this.

3. People that want to be comfortable. They will do whatever it takes to not rise above mediocrity. They constantly settle for less than what they deserve, because it feels safe and comfortable. To them if something stretches them or challenges them they run from it and rather stay comfortable. They are very resistant to change, and personal growth. They think everything is always going to stay the same, and hold on dearly to whatever feels comfortable. They don’t take risks, its too uncomfortable for them. People that want to be comfortable make better followers then leaders.

4. People that want to win. These people will do whatever it takes to win. Winning to them means they will not only shoot high in life for their dreams, but they will take the necessary action to see their dreams become fulfilled in reality. People that want to win get more criticized then all the other three, because they take risks in life. They have more guts to be themselves, speak their own voice and want to make a difference not only in their life, but in many others lives. They have a better shot at making a positive difference in the world, and are more leaders then followers. These are the people that like a good challenge, and are always growing, expanding, and getting out of their comfort zone. They are the leaders of the world, because they understand they create their reality. They are the warriors and fighters for freedom.
It’s Just Perspective. It’s not Good or Bad…
As you know I’m an expert in Law of attraction. I believe life is just all perspective.So what you focus on becomes your reality. This doesn’t the 4 types of people I mention here are either good or bad. It’s just how they choose to create their life. It’s freewill. Either way I have an awesome life, I blog regularly, share my latest post, and get paid.
Look, I live an awesome life. Truth is I live an awesome life regardless of what people think or say about me.I share my truths and get paid for being a positive person. I don’t know if you can find anything better than that!!!!
But I do want to say for those that want to win should really consider watching this video. You see its not only about the money here, its about making a real difference in your own life. A life of freedom. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and financially. What are you waiting for, this is your time to start sharing your own unique message with the world and start claiming the freedom that is yours! Get in now.

Yours in Inspiration,

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