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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Providing Positive Value

25 02 2009

Photo By http://imaginationseverything.com/

“The most effective way to achieve right relations with any living thing is to look for the best in it, and then help that best into the fullest expression.”

Hello all.
Providing positve value to people is where the juice in life is. When you focus on service and assisting others, you take yourself outside of the box, and into a world of endless possibilities. The best way to reach your own desires and goals, is by first asking yourself, how can I Provide positive value to people? Providing positive value has a very special reward for many individuals. One of the best rewards by providing positive value to people is the inner sense of accomplishment you will receive. When I write these posts, a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment becomes present in me. There are many ways to provide positive value to people. The best way is to focus on your own talents. What are you naturally good at?
When you pick what you are naturally good at, for example writing, counseling, photography, music or anything of that nature, share this unique talent and focus on the positive value that you are sending out.
Sending out positive value is essential to getting the ball rolling in life. As you stay in-tune with your talents, and focus on providing positive value, soon enough it becomes really easy for you to do so. It becomes very natural to do what you do and share this amazing gift with other people.
The fulfillment in creating positive value alone is one of the best feelings in the world.

Many people get stuck endlessly working hard for something that barley keeps them surviving. This is the old way of doing things, and is not the only way to make a living. When your total focus is to provide positive value to the world, for doing something whether it be at a job, or your own business, you are making a bold statement. You are trusting that you believe in what you have to offer the world and are living a more meaningful life, versus just going with the motions. To be a person of service and have that value reach many people I think is way more valuable than trying to survive. Providing positive value to others can come in many different forms. The best part is that you get to decide how to create this reality. As long as you are following your highest joy and working on your talents, with the intent of providing positive value to people, I believe that the world is yours.

Focus first on what you can provide to others, and the rest will flow naturally to you. You will be amazed at the great positive changes in your life that begin to emerge as a result of providing positive value to other people.


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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There are different ideas about money. Just like religion or anything else for that matter. Money is such a taboo subject in many circles. Most of you know my name is Baker, mainly because I make a lot of dough. The reason I called myself Baker is because yes, I am doing well financially, and I would like to sustain long term wealth for the future. However what most of you don't know is that money comes to those who are in direct vibration to it. In other words choosing a name like Baker is good for me, because it thus then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are positive associations with the name Baker, and it resonates with my energy.

Money won't come to those that despise, fear or hate it. Money is also called a currency, because it's simply an energy. Money has an energy attached to it. Everything in life has an energy attatched to it.

So if you think poor thoughts over and over, and our thoughts carry a vibration, then the likely hood of you receiving money is slim to none.

Money will come to those who match it's frequency. The ideas you grew up with in terms of what money was, is probably the same way you feel about money today. Money becomes the belief that you attach to it. If you believed as a child, that money comes frequently to you by doing work you love, there is a good chance that you are doing what you love, and making a good amount of money from it today.

Most people were born with the idea that money is hard to make. Most people have heard that "money doesn't grow on trees."
These ideas as you grew up is what you are facing in your daily life today, unless you've done some internal mindset changes about the subject of money.

I want to ask my readers what were some of your ideas about money growing up?


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Saturday, August 8, 2009

5 Simple steps to Financial Freedom: According to Baker!

13 11 2007


Baker’s 5 Easy Steps to financial freedom:

1. Start a business you love.

2. Save and Invest more money than everyone else.

3. Study from people who have done it. (i.e books,seminars,audio, mentors)

4. Think from the end, as if you have already achieved your Financial Freedom. (applying the Law of Attraction)


5. Share your talents and wealth with the world.

I know these 5 steps seem very basic and you probably heard this a million times, or maybe this is your first time hearing this. In any event, these are the 5 ways to be financially free. Simply said, financial freedom is one point in life when you do not work for money anymore. Being financially free doesn’t necessarily mean you have to become a millionaire, (although in the economic times to come with inflation you might have to be) Rather it is having enough money coming in as passive income without you having to work for it. For those interested in learning more about passive income I highly recommend reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dadwritten by Robert Kiyosaki.

Back to the 5 steps. There are no short-cuts. These are the steps. I call them 5 “simple” steps but there will be times when one step or maybe all of them may be very challenging, and difficult. But what is life without a challenge right? I figured if you wanted financial freedom bad enough there will always be a “way” to achieve it. I forgot to mention to have fun on your journey. Your journey towards financial freedom is unique in itself. Personally I am on this journey myself. I have found a lot of very fascinating things, and have had valuable experiences, and I have only just begun. You will encounter many obstacles and challenges, but if you have fun and really enjoy the lessons and experiences described in these 5 steps, not only will you achieve financial freedom, but you will have a great time doing it!


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Thursday, August 6, 2009

A comedic look on Chris Rock's Explination on Wealth

Comedian Chris Rock on his explination on Wealth. Very funny, but some parts have some truth in it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Napoleon HIll Video

This is a classic video, which is from Napoleon Hill the author of Think and Grow Rich. A book I recomend for anyone on the path to wealth. Think and Grow Rich is considered to be a classic book in business circles.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Best Kept Secret to Financial Wealth- James Arthur Ray

28 06 2008

The moment I read this article, I just had to share it with you all. James Arthur Ray is the author of the new book called Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want. James was also featured in the movie and book The Secret.

Contrary to popular opinion, creating unlimited financial wealth won’t come from chasing more money.

James Ray International

Now don’t get me wrong, I can help you make more money–plenty of it! And if the statement above seems counterintuitive to you, then that’s exactly why you and I need to spend more time together. Check this out…

A recent Gallup poll posted in USA Today found that 55% of those surveyed state their families are worse off financially today than they were this same time last year. This is the highest number since 1976, and it’s an eleven-point jump since February of this year.

Interestingly enough, in the very same survey, 26% say they’re better off than they were a year ago. What gives?

How is it that in the same economy (with the same government officials, the same war, same gas prices, same housing market) that one group thinks their finances are doing poorly but another group actually believes things are better?

Now you might think that the 26% are just some of the more privileged few… maybe. But just suppose there’s more to it than that. The answer to this question resides in a money paradox that a distinct few understand and most may never grasp. We’ll get to that in a minute.

In my new book Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want, I share the little known truth that, while many people believe wealth is equated to vast sums of money, if you trace the root of the word wealth back to its origins, it literally translates as “well-being.”

Now I know you might be thinking, “Well James, if I had more money, I’d have more true wealth and well-being!”

But studies show that this is not necessarily the case… In fact, most often it’s not.

A recent survey posted by US Private Banks surveyed individuals with a net worth of $38 million or more. Of those surveyed, 65% stated that they felt “financially insecure.” Now get this… These are people with a net worth of at least $38 million! So maybe it’s not just the privileged few that are feeling better off than last year.

Think about it, if you have a net worth of $38M and wake up in the morning feeling financially insecure… with wealth being defined as well-being, are you truly wealthy? The obvious answer is a resounding “No!”

Many Americans believe that a new president is the answer to our situation. Many believe that dealing with the oil and gas companies will make things better. Even more think that if we get out of the war in Iraq, all will become harmonious. While all of these issues may have an impact, they are in no way the answer.

So what is the answer? What will bring more financial well-being into your life? The answer resides in the thoughts, feelings and actions of you as an individual.

First, shift your focus of attention.

Get your mind and continued thoughts off the economy and all the problems being pumped into your home by the mass media. As difficult as this may be, those who are truly wealthy–financially and otherwise–choose where they place their attention and stand guard like a watchdog at the gates of their mind.

Peter Lynch once stated, “I don’t spend more than 15 minutes a year thinking about the economy.” Lynch’s results speak for themselves. Stop. Just stop for a moment and think rationally… There’s no way in hell that any company’s true worth can fluctuate as dramatically on any given day as the New York Stock Exchange would indicate. It’s nothing but an opinion–and other people’s opinions are only predictions if you allow them to be.

There’s a principle in our universe which states: Energy flows where attention goes. So consider this: Where are you directing your energy and attention every single day? Regardless of what you answer, your current results will tell the truth… for your results are a reflection of you.

Second, stop chasing the money.

Science tells us that everything is vibration, including your thoughts, feelings and actions… And yes, even your money. Now think about this… If you’re constantly thinking, feeling and acting (what I call going “3 for 3″) as if you “need more, need more,” what’s the real message you’re sending out energetically? You guessed correctly if you said the message is, “You don’t have it.”

The universe hears the real message at the level of vibration and states, “Your wish is my command!” As a result, you’ll end up living your life always wanting but never having. You’ll never get financially wealthy with that strategy.

Third, be grateful for all the good that currently exists in your life.

If all things are an energetic vibration (which they are) and energy flows where attention goes (which it does), then to place your consistent attention upon the things for which you’re grateful is one of the most powerful things you can do. Unlike the message of “I don’t have it,” when you place your attention with gratitude on all the goodness that currently exists, it’s like stating, “Thank you for this. Send me more.” When you get grateful, the universe sends you more to be grateful for.

Finally, consistently focus on providing more value and service to the world.

Take the attention off of “What can I get?” and place it upon “What can I give?” If you want to have more, give more. Winners always give ten times more value than they ask for in return.

Doubt me? Look around. I challenge you to find a millionaire who’s not surrounded by six-figure income earners. Likewise, find any billionaire and they’ll be surrounded by multimillionaires. Why? Because you only profit handsomely in life by providing service and value to others. In other words, you’ll only get your big dreams by helping others get theirs.

I recently shared the stage with billionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records and Virgin Airlines. There were two things Richard stated that really reinforced what I knew to be true. First, he stated, “I’ve never done anything in my life to make money. I just always ask, ‘Is it going to be fun?’”

Next, Richard stated, “Money is just a convenient way of keeping score.” If you truly understand this principle, you’ll realize that in a capitalistic society, the amount of money you have (or don’t have) is directly correlated to the depth and span of the value you provide.

So here’s the money paradox I mentioned earlier:

The greatest way to attract and create more money (or anything for that matter) is to not need it.

Now think it through again… If you need something, the real message you’re sending out is, “I don’t have it.” Your neediness is like a raging bonfire, and you’re throwing another log on it day after day, hoping it’ll go out. The only way to squelch the fire of your lack of financial abundance is to not feed it.

Just continually focus on providing tremendous value and service. Henry Ford so wisely put it years ago, “Money will never be achieved when sought after directly. It only comes as the by-product of providing a useful service.”

Truth is timeless.

Get your attention off the economy and your problems, stop chasing the money, become continually grateful for all the goodness you currently have and consistently think, feel and act (going “3 for 3″) on what you can give versus what you can get. You’ll have true wealth and well-being in every area: relational, mental, physical, spiritual and yes, financial. And just like Branson and so many others who have figured it out, you’ll have a lot of fun doing it.