Udimi - Buy Solo Ads

Friday, February 28, 2014

Income Proofs One of my Biz Opps

Hey great day!!

I am excited to show you my progress with this new biz opp that I've been working with. Actually its very simple. Just want to keep you up to date on some stuff I'm doing now and how I'm generating income online today. 

Here is the snapshot. 
I joined on Feb 5, 2014. I have already earned $1,794.60 and have four more people joining very soon with me, and the great news is that it just keeps getting better and better so far!! 

The progress is going well. I'm excited. 

Is There a Guarantee You'll Make Money Like Me? 

 Nothing in business is ever a guarantee. Results will vary depending on your commitment and work ethic. I don't know you, and don't know if you are hungry to succeed.

They will do 100% of the marketing for you  and close your sales for you. It's pretty fascinating. 

The great thing is that the company owner actually puts his money where his mouth is and actually guarantees you will make money in 60 days with this program.

I don't know about you, but I think that is a pretty bold claim. If you are interested visit here. http://www.done4umarketing.me 

Have a great day !!!! 


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Get focused by being unfocused

Success thought of  the day. Many gurus will tell you to focus in one income stream. That is fine and dandy. But what I teach is leveraging your income with multiple income streams for long term sustainability with making money online.

You have to have multiple streams of income if you want to grow a long term business online. What if something happens to one of them and they go under? Do you have other streams to cover you?

That is what is meant here. Don't focus on just one income stream thinking its going to last forever. Know that you have to put all your eggs and diversify you income streams for better returns. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Multiple Income Streams To Have Or Not To Have it?

Your online business is completely under your control. How you decide to run it is completely up to you. For me, I like the idea of having multiple income streams.

You can't rely just on one program or system, to always be there for you. You have to rely on yourself and your brand name. That is why having not just one income stream, but multiple is always the best suggestion long term.

I think diversification of your biz opps is key. Even when you are already making a good amount of money, that you are hitting your income goals and beyond with one biz opp.

You never know how long a biz opp is going to last or be in business. The only certainty you have is your own skill set and experience. So the best way is to have multiple streams in case one goes down.

Always be open for new ways of earning passive income and adding more dollars to your asset column. This is how you can assure a great success online longterm.

There are 2 things I look at before joining any new biz opp. These 2 things I've found have helped me grow in income in 2014.

1. Is the biz opp affordable for my team ?

2. Can my team see instant results from this new biz opp in 1 week ?

As you see my interest is in my team. If the answer is no to any of these, I pass on the biz opp. If the answer is yes to both of these I highly consider joining. You want to know that the people you bring in are converting sales. That is what will make them stick around and want to produce more sales for you.

Stay updated with me on FB here for new income streams that I've researched, met with the owners, and think are great income streams that will produce a positive cash flow for you coming in daily.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

4 Simple Tips To Making an Income Online

Making an income online. If it were so easy wouldn't everyone want it?

There are 4 simple things you can start doing to making an income online today. These 3 simple things will save you much time and effort. What is the main reason you want to start making an income online? Is it something that is strong enough for you to take action daily?
What do you love that is your WHY.

When you get clear on your Reason WHY for making an income online. Here are 4 simple tips to making an income online that you can use.

What are the 4 Simple Tips To Making an income online ?

1. Focus On One Company.

When making money online you want to focus on one biz opp at the moment and hit your goal first. If you feel you can't hit your goal, then move on to the next one that resonates with you. The thing is to learn from each company and know when to move to one that suits you best. The trick is mastering the skill in one company until you get to next and create multiple streams of income.

2. Invest In Yourself.

When you are going in these companies you want to invest money. The reason is because just like a college education, you will need to pay for the education and training necessary to succeed in your future. Investing yourself is key to making an income online.

3. Don't Reinvent the wheel

If there is a wheel that is proven already, to work Don't reinvent the wheel. Simply use the same wheel that works and continue to make your success with the same wheel that produces results for other people. Making an income online is step by step process.

4. Winners' Creed

Read and understand the winners' Creed. This business is very challenging enough, but you have to believe you can do it even when met with much challenge and struggle. Success comes after much struggle and work. You will need to understand the winners' creed to succeed with making an income online.

Have a great week ! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Secret To Making Money Online ?

Great news!

Just wanted to share some nice progress on results I've been getting with this new program that I joined on Febuary 5th of this month. The secret to making money online is there is no real secret. But I want to share with you something that might be of interest to you with making money online. I found this exciting new program.....

Very simply. 

It is a program that  does 100%  all the marketing for you.

The owner is someone that has had many years of experience in the field of purchasing traffic, and for an investment, is willing to handle all the marketing for you and has a team that closes your sales for you.

Best part? 

You get to take a share at the end of every month in the POOL of revenue each month. That is right. You get a company split of the earning each month for allowing the marketing professionals  to do all the work. This is passive income each month coming to you, for not doing anything.

This is the dirty little secret that very few people know about, that can earn you passive income each month without having to sell, recruit, or close any sales. You don't even have to buy traffic, for you to make money here.

As I honestly can tell you, there is really no secret to making money online.

Making money online takes lots of work and discipline.

But, this is the closest I've seen as far as something you can just invest in, and the money rolls in each month on a proven system.

This is the closest thing I've seen to the secret to making money online.

 The Product they offer is outstanding hours and hours of video training on solo ad, how to buy traffic correctly, and all the secrets that the owner has used to build multiple multi-million dollar companies online VERY QUIETLY.

He is a name you won't hear of, but has done very well quietly in this business of make money online.

It's awesome!!

Here are some of my results this week!!

I am so grateful and this is only going to increase overtime. It's truly a blessing. This is just one of many of my income streams online. ;)

My (Results) So far

Also I am in the running for  a free trip all expense paid vacation to Aruba if I win 1st place in the contest. If you sign up and join me I have a much better chance of winning the contest!!!!

This is such a great secret to making money online, that I've seen.

Help me win the contest.

It would really help me out!!

I am currently number 15. The person with the most sales by Feb 23rd 2014 Wins the trip to Aruba!!!
Check out the current leader board standings here.

Help me with the contest, by joining my team below  !

Do you want to learn how to make money online easily by knowing the dirty secret to making money online faster than you ever did before without selling anything?

Here is your personal invitation from me
Click the You are Invited sign to learn more.

Your Friend,