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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gold Ron Paul tells the Truth about money

Informative video on the history of money. This video was done by an individual on Youtube Called Manoftruth. Check out this video on the subject of the U.S monetary system, gold, and silver. Informative and insightful video on the truth about money .

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Rob Hopkins: Transition to a world without oil

Rob Hopkins insightful TED talks about the transition to a world without oil.
Check out this insightful video:

Please click on link below:


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wealth is directly a result of the Value You Provide Others

Hello all.
Wealth is a direct result of the value you provide others. If you don't provide much value to others, the chances of attaining wealth is very slim. This is because those that choose to gain wealth on a material level, are those that care about people. They care so much about people, that the value that they give to others is of high quality, it means something, it's significant. If you just woke up this morning and thought to yourself how can you become wealthy? The real question you ask yourself at that point is, "What value can I offer to others?" You see when are focused on wealth only, you are missing the point of getting wealthy. The focus should be on what kind of value are you going to give to people today? When you focus on what kind of value you are delivering, you are starting from the right place. Because in order to be wealthy you need to provide a value that benefits people.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How To Buy Silver Coins

Below is a short Ehow article I wrote about how to buy silver coins. Remember before any investment decision please do your own research. I don't claim to be an expert in silver coins or investing in silver coins, so do your due diligence. Below is the link to the article on how to buy silver coins.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money, Part 1/7: Conventional Education Vs. Financial Literacy

This is part 1/7 by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad speaking on the topic of financial literacy v.s conventional education. I actually read a lot of his books, and found that he speaks about the same basic principles of growing on the path to financial freedom. I wanted to share with you a video that is more current, with what he talks about as far as money advice. He is big on financial literacy, something that they don't teach you very much of in a traditional school setting. Enjoy the video.

The Gregory Mantell Show --Alvin Toffler Revolutionary Wealth

Interesting interview with Alvin Toffer on the Gregory Mantell Show. Alvin Toffer talks about Revolutionary Wealth. Alvin Toffer does a great job at clearly defining the connection between knowledge and wealth. I enjoy listening to his vision. Please enjoy.

Make sure to Check out the Books.

I really recomend reading books on finance and business, before investing any of your time and money on one particular investment. I have a few books (scroll down) that I've read and highly recomend to you. These are books that either gave me better clarity on the subject or wealth, or practically guided me in the path towards wealth and financial freedom.


U.S Dollar Collapse

Hello all.

I want to share a video with you all. This informative and thought-provoking video discusses what is happening right now in the U.S economy. This piece will give a basic history about the the U.S dollar, and why the U.S dollar is loosing value very quickly. This piece will encourage people to start trading in their dollars to buy silver and gold now.

Thank you.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not Another "How to Make Money" Site!

I watch some of Lisa's Videos on the subject of how to make money online. I appreciate her tell it like is, direct, straight-forward style in her messages. I thought I would share with you this interesting post

Friday, November 20, 2009

Printable Blank Check

Hello all
Below I've included the link to the blank check from the universe. You can print this out for yourself, share it with others or whatever you like. Put in the amount of money you intend to have, and have fun with this blank check. Hang it in a place where you can see it everyday, if you have a vision board this will be an excellent addition.
The universe will answer your request.

Here is the link for the printable blank check:


Prosperity and abundance to you!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

How To Buy Silver as Investment

Below are a list of two sites online that you can purchase silver as investments. Keep in mind this will allow you to purchase the physical metals. There are different ways to purchase silver as investment. I will be showing you two sites below that allows you to purchase silver direct from them.
WARNING: Before you make any investment purchase, do a lot of your own research and study about these investments.
Make sure you talk to your financial advisor's before making any investment decisions.

Below are a list of two sites where you can purchase physical silver for investment purposes:



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 1 of 5)

This is a much watch, for people interested in learning more about the truth behind the money system, and the Federal Reserve. This is just part 1/5.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Win During The Recession

The people winning during this economic collapse are the people who are operating from the heart chakra. I will share with you what these people are doing and why it is valuable to your overall success during this time in history.
The link below will show you 3 steps to take on how to win in this recession.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Gerald Celente on Econmic Collapse

Gearld Celente on Economic Collapse. Gerald Celente is an American Trend forecaster publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant[3] and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente has described himself as a "political atheist" and "citizen of the world.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Set Up Passive Income Streams

Hello all.

In this current economy it is crucial that you have more than one income stream. The income stream from a steady pay check generally for most people just won't be enough, today. I have written an article on Ehow.com to show you how to set up passive income streams to generate long term wealth.

Enjoy the article here:

