Udimi - Buy Solo Ads

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Are You Happy With Your Results ?

If you aren't happy with your results online. The truth is you need to change something. This means getting into a way of thinking that will help you succeed online.

Are you the type of person that expects the best in your business?

If you are then listen closely below.

If you are happy with your results then don't listen further. But, if there is something off about your results in your internet business. I'll give you a hint. You are probably not happy with your results because you don't have multiple income streams.

Click here to listen in on

Monday, December 15, 2014

Baker Podcast : Why More Is Better !

In this episode. I share with you : Why More is Better! That is right, why is more better? I share with you in this episode. If you want to succeed with your internet business  you definitely want to have more of everything in your internet business. 

This philosophy has led me to some great success online in this past year. 

More is defiinitely better when it comes to building your internet business the right way. Hit the link below to find out why More is Better when it comes to building your internet business.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Baker's Success Thought - episode Radio Podcast !

In this episode. I share about some success thoughts and things you need to know about before having success in your internet business.   I continue to have great success in my internet marketing business because I practice a lot of these success thoughts that I share with you in these podcast below. 

These success  thoughts will serve you well if you apply them daily.  These success thoughts will help you with having success with your internet marketing journey. 

Listen in by clicking here below. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Baker's Blog Talk Radio Show 1st Podcast !

Today's podcast (Success Thought of The Day).
Is Just Do It!
This is what makes me a success online. I just do it. This is a philosophy that has helped me make money online. If you are serious about your success on the internet business.

I talk about here why you should do this philosophy called "Just Do It"  Listen into this exciting podcast by clicking the link below!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The 2 Tools You Need To Be Successful Online

There are 2 tools you need to be successful online.

These two tools are what will help you get you from where you are at currently. To where you want to go and thriving financially and succeeding online.

These two things are the two tools that each and every successful online entrepreneur has.

Regardless if they started from zero or with some capital. These are the two things they always will have when having success online and making money.
It doesn't matter what your experience is. These are the 2 tools you need to be successful online.

These two tools you need to be successful online  are the following :

1. Right Mindset. 

The inner world creates your outer world. Daily personal development helps you develop the right mindset that allows you to have results that you can be happy about on your online business. When your mind is right your world is right. What you think you become. All successful online entrpneurs have the right mindset. They say they "Can" and they don't say they "can't." This is developed through daily personal development like reading personal development books or attending seminars and personal development life changing events.

2. Right System. 

The right system is a system that you resonate with. It is a system that works for you while it works for your. The right system with the right mindset you can have success online.  The wrong system will get you further away from your goals and you will loose money. The right system will get you closer to your goals and will make you money.

This is one of the nice  systems I'm working with that is generating me on average an extra $400  a day. http://bigabndance.com/baker 

Have a great rest of the week good friends !


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What is your strategy ?

Having a good strategy is the key to making a good income online. Truth is your strategy is what will help you get leverage or not get it.

The reason you want to have a strategy is because there are things you can do daily on your online business that make you a lot of money online.

If you are using the right strategy to getting an income online. You will succeed and have more leverage. The right strategy happens when you focus on spending times on the right things online. If you are doing the wrong things you will struggle. If you do the right things you will succeed.

Are You Spending Time on the Right Things? 

There are only a few things you actually  have to do online to make money. Done correctly you actually make more with less time of "work."

The beauty of the internet is leverage.

This free webinar shares with you if you are spending time on the right things or not on your online business  to get the most money you can.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

41 Targeted Leads While Celebrating 4th of July !

Hey guys most people think that results in your business is only about sales.

Although this is true. The truth is results can also mean getting fresh leads that are targeted for your online business.

I was able to generate here while celebrating 4th of July with my family coming over for a visit.

That is correct. 41 leads that are targeted came in while I was enjoin BBQ rib eye steak and enjoying fireworks from my bedroom.  So if you are getting leads in your online business, that is actually positive. 

Incramental Progress 

Because it means you are getting progress and that is results to getting sales in your business. That is why I always tell people it doesn't matter where you are at a newbie or advanced. Results come in all shapes and sizes. You can start today knowing nothing about internet marketing and get results. These results no matter how small, can prove to be the small incremental steps to building a million dollar business  for yourself later down the road. 

As an old Chinese Proverb once stated. 
“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”

How did this happen? Well, it starts with the right education. If you get the right education with internet marketing you will have results that you are proud of ! 

Have a  great rest of the weekend! Lets celebrate true independence. Independence from within.

Your Friend,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Are you Free ?

July 4th is about freedom. Yet a  growing number of Americans are stuck at jobs they hate in the U.S. How do you alleviate this pain of restrictions and no ability to have the time to do things you love with people you love ?

How do you alleviate the stress, pain, and struggle at work barely able to pay for your bills ?

The solution is making money online. Big money. Money that you that can replace your JOB and beyond it. 

But where do you start? The best place to start is by finding a system or program online that you resonate and understand after you do your research.

Then you invest money and you do what they say in the trainings.

After that you make money online.

Sounds very simple ? Well it is simple. The only problem for most people is they don't have the long term outlook and when they meet a challenge during any part of there process that I mention above most will quit. Or get burned out.

Is there an easier way ?

Take a look here at this free video  that might be a solution to your problem. Basically good friend, the way it works is simple this company they do the marketing on your behalf all you do is invest 997 first time and then let them do the work.

  • No Driving Traffic
  • No Blogging, No PPC, No Solo Ads, No Facebook.
  • Closing Done For You.
  • No Need To Ever Pick up The Phone.
  • Let The Gurus Do The Work And Take Your Share Of Profits.
Get started by watching this free video with more information on this program 

 It might be something you are very interested in if you don't have that much time to invest in your online business right away, because of your J.O.B demands.

Have a  great Fourth of July !


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Are You Working Hard or Hardly Working ?

Most people are hardly working. Yet, making money online in autopilot. Yet most work very hard and not make a single dime online? 

Why is that? 

There are several reasons why some make money and some don't online. 

What I have learned is that you have to have systems in place that work for you and not you working for it. Yes. it takes sometime to set it up and an initial investment to start it. 

However, you have to understand any business you get into ; you will have to invest in yourself. This means that you have to have the advantage of life by living life on your terms. 

An Extraordinary  Life ? An extraordinary life begins when you are of service tot others. That's what gives you an extraordinary life by being honest, real, and authentic with people.  When you do less and make more you have more to actually give and contribute and you can serve more people. This is why an extraordinary life begins with managing your time effectively when you are online. 

You want to spend more time with your family, your loved ones and do things you actually enjoy doing. This is what is amazing about having an internet business that is automated and works for you while you work on enjoying more of life. And you work on servicing more people with inspiration, gratitude, and true authenticity. 

 I enjoy getting paid. 

I enjoy getting paid online for very minimal "work" When you learn to automate your process with a funnel that converts well. You can truly start doing less and making more money. This Free webinar actually  shows you how to do this  http://bigabundance.com/baker/

Here is one of my income streams I get paid directly through paypal. It's amazing to be able to do this. See below.

This webinar is free and you will learn where to spend your time online to maximize your income online with less work and giving you more leverage.  Discover more here good friend. http://bigabundance.com/baker/

Have a great rest of the week good friend !

Your friend,

Friday, June 27, 2014

Is the sales funnel the reason your not getting sales in your program ?

A  week ago me and my business partner Nick did a webinar where we discuss why most people fail online with their programs. The main reason and I won't go into specifics here is that most people spend time doing the wrong thing online and expect a different result. 

I live a financially rich and enjoyable life of money and time freedom because I focus online with  things that matter the 20% that leads to bigger results overtime. 

They struggle and work hard when they can be working smart on key things with laser focus that actually will make them more money. 

The struggle is that most people work jobs they don't like, for bosses they don't like and when they get home they have kids running around, cleaning up after the kids and have a short period of time to focus on getting their internet business moving. 

So they need to be instructed clearly on what to focus on in that short period of time, so you aren't loosing more money buying program after program, and aren't getting scammed by b.s that is on the internet, and not spending time on things online that aren't producing the income you want to replace your 9-5 JOB......Using the right sales funnel that we share here in this webinar that will be DONE FOR YOU to get more sales for your program. 

Good friend, 

Click the banner here below to take a look at this free webinar we did where we share what to focus on when it comes to making money online, so that you can replace your 9-5 JOB income with a full time Income on the internet today. 

After you watch this webinar and are wondering. Does Big abundance sales funnel actually convert? Take a look here at Danny. A MOBE member that actually is now up to  4 sales and growing using one of our custom made sales funnels that converted from him these 4 new sales in MOBE. 

This is a 100% done for you sales funnel custom made from scratch you can use for any business opportunity that you would like to see high conversions sales in. 

Nick will do the following for you ... 
Create Custom Capture Page
-connect to your auto responder and your primary biz offer
-find a legit traffic source that is the right match for your offer
-Write a series of email follow ups that convert into sales.

Good friend, if you are interested in this add me on Facebook on my Online Marketing Page and Ill get you started with a customized sales funnel that converts high into sales. Connect with me here. Put on the headline "Interested in Custom Done Sales Funnel" 
.....So that I know its you. 

Have a great weekend friends !! 
Time for my afternoon nap. 


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Awesome ! This was my view from my bed overlooking the ocean !

Hey friend! This picture below of the red bed  was the view from my bed overlooking the ocean a few weeks ago. It is pretty awesome living the lifestyle that I want.  

I think in life you have to do things you really want to do. This allows you to do live more of the life you want and less of what you don't. 

Do you like your JOB? Is your JOB dragging you down? Why not make methodical changes towards moving in the direction of having a lifestyle freedom. Doing more things you actually enjoy with people you love and care about. While also making a positive difference in others lives? 

The advice I would say to you is. If you show a commitment to actually  living a life of freedom with money and time freedom then you really want to take your internet business seriously. You want to do the steps it takes to become successful. You need to get in early in programs and systems on the internet that actually work. 

Have a great rest of the day friend ! Enjoy the journey !! You deserve the best in life, you can have it focus on what you like in life and appreciate everything that comes your way as a blessing.                                           

My good friend, most will make changes when they are committed to so and have a desire that is big enough to make a change. Some will stay stuck by not accepting change and aren't willing to put in the work to enhance the quality of their life. 

If you are reading this by now, you probably are someone that I can  say is committed to lasting chang in your life. If you weren't you probably woudn't be on this blog now. Most people want lifestyle freedom to make money on the internet.  And I'm by now seeing you want it too. Most people don't know what to do online when they first get started. Or what they should focus on so I talk about this in me and business partners webinar below. 

Friend, if you are committed  having more lifestyle freedom away from you 9-5 JOB. Then  you'll want to watch what me and my business partner Nick discuss and share here on this secret

 Free Webinar Reveals A Proven Formula That Helped 3 Average Newbies Earn $1,000+ Online in only 30 days by clicking here. 

                -Albert Einstein


Sunday, June 22, 2014

They Said This Could Not Be Done!


We are doing some crazy things that all the so-called
...experts thought were ludicrous.
We are practically giving it away!


You need to see this for yourself.
I don't know how long it's going to be available for...


Let me know what you think.


Baker Jacinto

Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to quit your 9-5 and replace it with internet income (Webinar I Did with Business Partner Nick )

Hey Good friend

How are you today ?

Just did a webinar with my business partner Nick.

In this webinar me and my business partner Nick, talk about effective time management techniques you need to start doing so you are making money and not wasting time online.

These are proven value based effective time management strategies that have helped me and Nick quit our 9-5 JOBS an and Replace our JOB Income with Full time internet income. Making $400 a day online with these strategies, that you can implement now for your primary business opportunity and start making money sooner rather than later. Watch the webinar here. 

How to quit your 9-5 and replace it with internet income?

You need a proper sales funnel that converts high. A proper sales funnel that converts high for you will generate more sales for you online business. While, having a default company made sales funnel will make you be the same as every other thousands of affiliate in your company, thus not making many sales. 

Our goal is to help you get RESULTS. 

So What Will Big Abundance do for you ? 

-Create Custom Capture Page (not lead pages)

-Connect to your auto responder and your primary biz offer

-Find a legit traffic source that is the right match for your offer -

-Write a series of email follow ups that convert into sales.

Get  YOUR entire sales funnel done for you, so you can get some higher conversion on your sales. Hey friend, started with Big abundance today by clicking HERE. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Success Thought of the Day - Live your dreams! (Beach Front Hotel)

Success Thought of the Day - Live your dreams! (Beach Front Hotel)

Don't spend another dollar until you see this.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Is Real Marketing Masters Still Alive ? What's Going on Now With RMM?

Hey friends,

You might be thinking now if  the company known as Real Marketing Masters  that has made me sales like these...

Are they still alive? Are they still paying out? That is a great question. And that will be answered in the latest Real Marketing Masters Video below. There were some merchant problems but it was because we were making so much money the merchants got nervous in March and slowed down our payments. That's a good problem to have.  

This is how it breaks down good friend. Yes. RMM is still alive and is making lots of money still for silent partners.

If you are interested in this send me a comment below or private message me at bakerthebrand.com @gmail.com

Have a great day !

Let's make you money good friend.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Just Do It ?

Many times when we are so caught up in our online business. Where to start, or how to start, one can easly get lost in it all and not do anything at all.

This is because of overwhelm. When you are doing too much and you just stop. Or even the thought of what you have to do stops you. You see when you take action. And do like Nike and "Just do it"

You will enter a new place in your business.

Today, happy to say to you good friends that my first podcast is up on this very topic of taking immeditate action.

Reason I started it was because when I was out in Beverly Hills at the Clickbank event many people were telling me, do you have a radio station ? Do you do podcast I would love to hear more of what you say.

So there we go. I got the feedback from people at a live event a few weeks ago and Just Did it Last night!!

Started my first podcast. Would you guys like to hear it ? Comment below and I'll share the podcast!!

Your Friend,

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I was invited to a Super Affiliate meeting.

This past week there was a secret super affiliate exclusive meeting. 

It was the RMM super affiliate webinar meeting. 

The only people that were invited were people that are doing very well in sales at RMM. 

I was fortunate enough to be invited to this exclusive meeting of the ultra rich secret society online.

I want to say that the 4997 level is a level after you do your due diligence and make an informed ready decision that you don't want to miss out on.
There are secrets being shared there, that has turned this company into 2 million dollars plus company in a relativity short period of time.

We were making so much money in a short period of time that the merchants got nervous and slowed down our payments. Not a bad problem to have, for people that understand basic business common sense.

Once again, the patient, and those that follow through once again were victories like in any area of life.

The beauty of it ?

It's a very highly leveraged system. 

Discover more here about first joining at the 997 level. 

For example I will be getting paid on the efforts of having a secret traffic guru do the work for me and I get a payout each month.

I can tell you that being positioned at the high level will increase your chances of success and having a breakthrough in our industry of making money online.

Have a great Sunday friends! Your dreams matter, because you matter. It's your time.

With Gratitude.
Baker The Internet Prophet

Have You Accomplished A Goal Before ?

Have you ever accomplished a goal before?

If so then you know how great it feels. Now, what I want you to think about is why will this time as you move towards an even bigger goal be any different?

Goal setting is wonderful. However, if you don't actively work on getting to your goals by putting in the time and effort, your goals remain a big distant dream.
Make your dream, come closer to you by allowing it be real by doing what other people that are successful have done.

Do Your Goals Matter? 

Your goals matter and you doing what it takes to achieve them matters. It matters in a big way. 7-8 figure earners understand the process of what it takes to become successful online. Why?

Because they have more than likely gone through the challenges you may be facing now and succeed and can share with you how they accomplished their goals.

Discover from 7-8 figure earners the secrets of success on the internet - http://bigabundance.com/baker

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Law of Money Attraction - Mark Hoverson

Do you fear selling? I know I did. Until I realized that selling is actually a blessing. Yes selling something that someone needs you are blessing that person and that person is blessing you. It is a paradigm shift. I know that what I offer to others has helped them. And continues to help many many people's lives and  their families lives and continues to do so.

When what you have is truly helping others improve their financial situation. The idea of "selling" completely changes from something negative to something positive.

I like how Mark Hoverson describes that here.  

Need a converting sales funnel for your business? This one gives me on average a 70% Opt in. Learn the secrets here. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

One Tool That Every Online Business Needs?

If there was one tool that every business owner needs what do you think it is in our online marketing world?

It is simple. The one tool that every internet business owner needs is simply, this a high converting sales funnel.
Without a sales funnel that is actually helping you get a good opt in rate you will not get sales.

At the base and foundation of your internet business a proper sales funnel that converts is key to have. Some spend upwards to 4k to get one of these. I can get it to you a lower price, if you are interested.

Sales are generated when you have a good sales funnel in place that helps you automate your business faster and easier. Keep that in mind when building your internet business.

Message me if you need a sales funnel that will convert any biz opp that you have. Or simply go here.

Have a great memorial day weekend.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

The System That Pays You for not marketing ?

A lot of people don't know this, but marketing is the easy part. The hard part for newbies is trying to understand where to start.

You probably look all around the internet, spend hours on facebook and its painful to struggle.

One of the things that this company I'll share with you below has done. Is allowed you to sit back and collect money without having to market anything.

It is a big CO-OP and they run high end traffic to one company offer, and each month you make a profit from sales being generated.

Sounds to good to be true?

That's what I said until this started to  happen in my account

You see this is all new to me I used to work at a JOB 3 years ago and it sucked not knowing where to start. Why not follow my footsteps?

And learn while you earn on autopilot!!

Here are some more income proofs.

Those are sales I'm getting from this company and I'm only getting more as each day goes by. The question is will you join me ? Or sit on the fence? 

The time to live your dreams is now. Yes, I was skeptical at first. I asked a million questions and it took me 3 weeks to actually join becuase my rational logical mind coudn't grasp the fact that I could make money by allowing the marketers to market for me and I sat back....

I don't lke to put my name on things that are scams. I know reputation, trust, and integrity are EVERTYTHING in this business. 

So instead of me hitting you with a link to a boring squeeze page at the end. I will take Skype calls from the first 5 people that request more information on this done for you marketing system that pays you profit just by being a silent member. 

This is my skype ID - empoweringlives888 

Add me and I'll get you in touch with the owner in a three way skype call and youll thank me later. 

Me and Johnathan Budd hanging out and masterminding. 

P.S I like getting chocloates as gift in the mail. You'l send me some of those after you by now join me and see this is the real deal.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

RMM Nigerian Scam Don't Join RMM

Before you read this. I want you to know that I made a big mistake. I joined RMM when all the red flags were showing early on.

Yes I was able to make close to 12k and was actually paid.
But, RMM is a scam.

We didn't get our payouts on April because the guy scammed us and he's in south africa now and has all our money.

South African RMM Scam - http://done4umarketing.me 

You might get paid like I did. Or you might not.

Many people are moving away from this RMM scam and I don't blame them. However, if you still think RMM is going to pull through and you want to get paid on a scam join RMM scam here. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

What Do You Value ?

What is it that you value?
In your online business, when you don't know what you value you will not be able to really grow and have the goal that you want to hit to actually hit.

However, if you are clear on what is you value at a core level you will see that success in your online business starts to come.

Yes, it is in being CLEAR on your values and taking action daily on your goals that allows you to hit your goals and you can have success.

Learn how I make money on the internet by doing the same thing that are the Primary Secrets from 7-8 Figure Earners >CLICK HERE< 

Friday, May 16, 2014

How I Stole A Sale from Daegan Smith

Yes you, read that right. Little ole' me. Stole a sale from the great marketing - traffic generation  master Daegan Smith.

It was a warm Sunday night March 2014. When I get a Facebook message from a recent sign up to my programs, messages me.

"Baker, not sure if I want to upgrade to the $4997 coaching program with you or not. I actually talked to Daegan Smith and he said he can help me get results in my MOBE business.

I said, listen, what I have is actually a lot better than what Daegan can offer you because Daegan is very unrachable, you need to get with peple that you can still have conversations with and you can touch. I am not making as much money as Daegan Smith, and he is 100%  a great guy and marketer and is very very good at driving traffic.

However, I'll give you a call and tell you why for where you are at currently, you'll need to work with me.

One phone call later I had made $2,000 and enrolled Ali into the upgrade level at Real Marketing Masters. I just stole a sale from Daegen Smith. Because my offer was better, and because I'm more reachable. (Not a guru) and I know what works and what doesn't work. By the way I love Daegan Smith, and he is 100% a class act and exceptional internet marketer.

Here are some of his results since joining me  at first 997 level, and now positioned at 4997 coaching level with RMM.

So the first thing you want to do is get started with me here at $997 Level by allowing the marking pros to do all the work for you, and you get paid  - http://done4umarketing.me 

And then message me if you want to upgrade to the 4997 level. This is honestly, a very straightforward one on one coaching program that teaches you the secrets to making your first 10k in 90 days. With a stamp of guarantee on it. 

Have a great day.  Summer is comming up I can't wait to jump in the pool ! You guys take care. 

With Gratitude, 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pizza or Sushi ?

I like sushi it taste good. But, I'm going to get some pizza at Costco.

One of nice perks of knowing the secrets of he ultra rich on the internet is that I can go eat where I want at this hour of the day.

What I know is that the ultra rich secrets I have honestly, isn't for "everybody."

Only those that are serious about making money will be ready vibrationally for it. (Exclusive for ultra rich) This may not be the right fit for you. This is for serious money makers on the internet.


Pizza time. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Friend I have money for you

Hi Friend 

Stop spinning your wheels right now! 
I have some money for you. As you know I make 100s of 1000s 
per month and I want you to have a share of that Here >>>>

So stop buying program after program and come get paid for partnering up with me. 
You can keep doing what you are doing or just come this way and make some money with me.

I can't wait to you to join me here - http://done4umarketing.me 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Could you please stop whining!

No. Not you!That is what my girlfriend said to me. 

Let me explain...
I just moved into a new place
Beautiful balcony with an ocean view.
When you sleep with the balcony doors open,
you can hear the waves.
To be honest, the place is breathtaking...
Now here comes the problem!
But first,
I want to give you something.

Come and find out what tomorrow
Now let's continue
The whining started when we
finally moved in
and to make matters worst,

I couldnt breathe.
I felt like I was suffocating!
I felt like I was dying. 
I was so upset,
My whole world was crashing down
I was upset, NO. I was FURIOUS. 
Until my girlfriend hit me with the ungrateful line...

She pointed out that
I was being ungrateful for
I am blessed beyond measure.
I do not have to get up to go to a J-O-B....
I can go anywhere in the world,
find internet connection
and I'm back at work.
In fact, as I right this...
I'm in a car.

That made me really feel ashamed..."
So ungrateful for what I have.
I may not have internet today...or tomorrow
but I'm blessed for what I have.

Now I want you to have the kind of life that I have...
I want to help you...I want to give you money. 
I'll see you tomorrow
