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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making Money Online Baker's Practical Tips PART 1

"Money is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air and housing, it affects everything yet for some reason the world of academics thinks it's a subject below their social standing."
-Robert Kiyosaki

You hear about it all the time, someone making a million dollars online overnight. Or maybe the push button system to online riches right?

Well, from my humble experience, that is exactly not the way to making money online. The very challenging thing about making money online, is that finding a place to start in a practical and simple way is the hard part.

You have to weed out all the fake scammers out there, until you finally get to the core of how to really set up a foundation that makes you money online, for the long-term, consistently, and on autopiolot.

This post will be a little long. I will break it up into probably 3 parts. This is Part 1 of how to make money online, and it starts you with the very simple basics of making money online.

But, I will share with you some of the practical tips that I personall use to make money online.

Let's start with my backstory and where I'm at today, so you know more about me and where I'm at today and where I can begin to help you make a ton of money online, in a real way, and not the phony scam stuff.

Most people know me as Baker, I run a pretty well-known Personal Development blog at bakerthebrand.com

My whole focus is on helping people live the life of their dreams from the inside-out. I share a lot of the spiritual practices that have worked well for me, to living a peaceful, and contented lifestyle for myself.

I am 27 years old to date, and I love writing and learning great new things and believe in the human potential to reach and manifests ones dreams. I was the guy in college, that never really understood the need for a regular 9-5 job. I knew I had a higher calling than to answer to a boss, have him or her dictate when I can go to lunch, tell me how much money I can make, and live a life in the rat race. I sturggled with so many different projects, trying to find real ways to make money online for about 4 years...I also took on side 9-5 jobs that I really didn't like going to. They just felt so lifeless and depressig to me, sitting at a regular job and being told what to do. On top of that they had the power to lay me off at anytime...That's not a great way to live. I am very hard worker, but the idea of working hard to make someone else rich wasn't something that sounded appealing.

There is a great quote that I love it very simpy says:

"Live YOUR DREAMS, not YOUR Bosses!!!"

How many people are doing that today?

I can tell you very few.

I knew that at around my college years, that I had to be an entrpreneur if I had any shot, at living a life that was one I wanted, and one of freedom both spiritualy, mentally, and financially.

The gift I have is in communication via writing, so blogging to me came a bit natural. However, the monetizing part and making money from doing what I loved, by sharing my inspirational experiences with others and my personal golden philosophies with others was not so easy.

There are a lot of different things I had to fail at, try again, experiment, to finally come up with the foundation of what it really took to find the formula to lasting success of making money online.  I am the author of 4 self-publsihed ebooks, that aim to make a positive difference in the lives of all the people that read it.

I want to use this space, to share what I know about making money online. So Let's get right to the practical tips on how to make money online, with tips that are simple to implement, to get you making money on autopilot.

Practical Tips

The practical tips I share below are from over 3 years of learning the internet marketing business.

There are always new changes happening in the internet marketing business, but the practical tips are very simple and will indeed lay a GREAT FOUNDATION for how to get started on how to make money online.

It does take some work and time to get it started, but getting started right away, is probably the very best thing you can do to start making a legitamite income online on autopilot.

Practical Tips To Making Money Online:

1. Start A Blog. 

The best place to start a blog if you are really serious about making money online is by starting a blog. The blog space I recoemd for people serious about creating a business around their blog is getting set up with the most professional blogging platform called WORDPRESS.ORG Below:


What Should I blog about? 

The best advice I can give you, is write a blog about what you are PASSIONATE about, don't ever start a blog because you want to make money from it. It took me 2 years until I saw my first $1 on adsense on my blog. The rule of thumb is if you can find a niche that you already have expeirence about and can churn out at least 10 posts on the niche easily, that's a good niche to get into.

This takes time to build. But, you will reap the rewards and financial benefit if you stay within the topic of your PASSION and what you actually enjoy. I told you this is not the get-rich qucik stuff. If you are honest with yourself, and what you want to build for your future income, start slowly.

"If you want to walk, you need to first learn how to crawl." Wordpress.org is great because it is what most the pros use to start a blog, and also you can later monetize on it and do all that fun stuff later, once you have grown your readership. But, for now get set up with wordpress.org first.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). These are all things that I have experience with that I am recommending because they are helpful and are companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products. Please do not spend money unless you feel it’s for something you really need and will help you reach your goals. 

  A. Get A Good Hosting Provider .

To get your blog up and running you will need a HOSTING Service. A hosting service is needed for anyone that is starting up a blog/website with a ".com" at the end of the domain name. So the one I recomend is Host Gator they are very affordable, and their customer service is superrb. So you can actually call them direct to get you started as well. If you are patient it takes less than 45 minuts to set up. They also have good offers. Get started with an affordable hosing plan for getting your blog started today by clicking the link below.

Host Gator Hosting 

So once you get set up with that I'll go ahead and post Part 2 of this "How To Make Money Online Series"

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at: baker (a) bakerthebrand.com

Yours In Prosperity,


Is there an easier way to make money online blogging? 


A much easier solution is called Real Marketing Masters. It is a complete done for you marketing system. Basically this is what they do.

997 gets you in. Then 497 a month 30 days after the day you get in.

497 each month goes directly to PAID traffic. The they do For you.
They close sales for you. Then at end of each month you recieve a split of company entire profits. Get started with a complete done for you marketing system.

And Yes there is a 90 day guarantee. If you don't make  $3,000 in profits with Real Marketing Masters, the company will continue to pay for your traffic until you do hit $3,000 in profits with RMM.. Click here to get started by now seeing the value and how you can make money now by clicking below and following the instructions on the other side. Click below now to make money online. 

We guarantee that you will make $3000 with us.


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